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It is a good idea to set EMAIL_DOMAIN_WHITELIST to the domain of the business to avoid spam accounts being created. However, this also restricts contracters or temp workers from being able to register. It would be nice if alongside EMAIL_DOMAIN_WHITELIST you can set a list of specific emails which are also whitelisted.
That way exceptions can be made for specific users that also need access to git. Even nicer if this could be configured by an administrator in the site configuration online, rather than through config file alone.
The current workaround is to just disable registration and enable it temporarily to allow people to register, and then turning it off again. Not very ideal.
Feature Description
It is a good idea to set EMAIL_DOMAIN_WHITELIST to the domain of the business to avoid spam accounts being created. However, this also restricts contracters or temp workers from being able to register. It would be nice if alongside EMAIL_DOMAIN_WHITELIST you can set a list of specific emails which are also whitelisted.
That way exceptions can be made for specific users that also need access to git. Even nicer if this could be configured by an administrator in the site configuration online, rather than through config file alone.
The current workaround is to just disable registration and enable it temporarily to allow people to register, and then turning it off again. Not very ideal.
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