Closed randyesq closed 4 years ago
Note that our LOCAL_ROOT_URL
is hard-coded to http://localhost:3000/
as was suggested in #3226, #1685, #2270, and #7630. The restart seems to be working for others with different problems that have a similar error signature (#2851).
I also have run the admin Maintenance Operations task titled "Resynchronize pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories." and this did not fix anything.
This may have been fixed in a more recent version of Gitea (we just released 1.9.3). The newer versions also have patched some security vulns that are in 1.7.
1.9 also has improved logging to assist with debugging.
@techknowlogick is there something in the diff between 1.7 -> 1.9 that would suggest this would be fixed? From most of the issues that I referred to, it didn't seem like it was understood why this was even happening in the first place.
Potentially there could be something that has been added as there has been hundreds of PRs since 1.7. It could be a timeout issue with the DB, and we've updated upstream dependencies, it could be an uncaught error that is now handled, it could be many things. We've also significantly refactored working with the underlying git repos which may be a factor. Please see the entire list of changes here:
I recommend updating and to see if this still happens, especially since there are several CVEs in the version you are currently using: Once you've updated the logging in v1.9.3 is really improved and can give a ton of details about what could be happening.
Okay, we'll get on with upgrading this on our side and see if anything else comes up.
I also have run the admin Maintenance Operations task titled "Resynchronize pre-receive, update and post-receive hooks of all repositories." and this did not fix anything.
In my case it worked. I also pressed the ".ssh/authorized_keys" button, so maybe that had some effect, too.
yeah that would need changing too if you changed the path of the gitea binary.
To be clear Gitea has to write its real full path to:
(if you are not using the internal SSH or an AuthorizedKeysCommand)These all have to be updated if you change the path of the Gitea binary.
If you are moving from Gogs you may have to remove any reference to Gogs within the gitea-repositories/*.git/hooks/*.d
It really is simpler not to change the name of the binary.
We encountered this issue in a K8S pod using v1.9.3 today.
@randyesq in order to diagnose I need to see what the message underlying that was and what your main Gitea logs show.
The problem here as originally stated cannot happen on 1.9 because those internal endpoints do not exist. I deleted them - (and now constantly regret doing so instead of coming up with an error saying you need to update although I remain uncertain how that helpful that would be as it could only be on the server.)
If your Gitea serv is requesting those end points e.g. /api/internal/branch/1/mfisch
then you have got an old version of Gitea running somewhere and you need to do hunt it down.
Otherwise it's a different problem.
Here is the version of gitea that we are using:
ncn-w001:~/k8s # kubectl exec -it gitea-vcs-5df75f48f7-h8rx7 -n services bash
Defaulting container name to vcs.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/gitea-vcs-5df75f48f7-h8rx7 -n services' to see all of the containers in this pod.
bash-5.0# gitea --version
Gitea version 1.9.3 built with GNU Make 4.2.1, go1.12.9 : bindata, sqlite, sqlite_unlock_notify
Unfortunately, I don't have the server logs because they have rolled over since, but the output from the git client that was trying to force push the branch was:
Total 12 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Gitea: EOF
To https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/config-management.git
! [remote rejected] cray/cme-premium/1.1.0 -> cray/cme-premium/1.1.0 (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/config-management.git'
Without those logs we can't tell you anything.
All you can say is that there was a pre-receive decline - that could be because you were force pushing to a protected branch and that was disallowed although the EOF implies that's not.
It could be a bug in /api/internal/hook/pre-receive or it could be that you've got an old Gitea hanging around that's trying to get to the old endpoints.
This last is the most likely so double check there aren't some seriously old Giteas hanging around and:
Ensure that your .SSH/authorized_keys always refers to the correct version of Gitea if there are multiple versions available, and ensure that your hooks are all doing similarly.
If it happens again grab the logs. If you're getting requests to /api/internal/branch then there's an old Gitea around. If not you've found a bug and we need the logs.
Ensure that your .SSH/authorized_keys always refers to the correct version of Gitea if there are multiple versions available, and ensure that your hooks are all doing similarly.
How do I ensure this?
The 2 admin tasks described above rewrite both of these things - however I can imagine a deployment style that would make those not work. It's your deployment - you tell me.
All I can say is to run those tasks, make sure there's not a rogue old version of Gitea in your container(s) or an old container still knocking around, and check those files.
If your Gitea serv is requesting /api/internal/branch that Gitea is not version 1.9 and it's out of date.
Further don't put multiple versions of Gitea in your containers. If you're using a script to wrap Gitea you should run Gitea with exec -a the_name_of_the_script as we use the $0 passed to Gitea as its path when writing hooks and authorized_keys.
Okay thanks, we only have one version of gitea, whatever is in the gitea/1.9.3 docker image from Docker hub, so I don't think it is a version issue.
It seems you have a subpath of your domain setting, maybe it's related. https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/config-management.git
Okay, I had this happen today. I am running v1.9.3 and logged in to the web UI, created an org, created a repo (initialized it with the checkbox), and attempted to create a file in the UI. Here is the server log:
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Started POST /foo/bar/_new/master/ for
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "passwd", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "diff_view_style", "theme" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...s/context/context.go:328:func1() [D] Session ID: 84335f472022f1f8
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...s/context/context.go:329:func1() [D] CSRF Token: 44JwSeHDqnv5UnglbneRrWs288M6MTU3MzE1Nzg2ODg4NjkxNjc0NA==
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM "notification" WHERE (user_id = $1) AND (status = $2) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "passwd", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "diff_view_style", "theme" FROM "user" WHERE "lower_name"=$1 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"foo"}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "is_fork", "fork_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, "bar"}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "user_id", "mode" FROM "collaboration" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "user_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, 1}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "type", "config", "created_unix" FROM "repo_unit" WHERE (repo_id = $1) []interface {}{2}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...s/repo_permission.go:154:func1() [T] Permission Loaded for 824687817488:crayvcs in 824687817696:foo/bar:
Permissions: AccessMode: 824687818880:owner, 5 Units, 0 UnitsMode(s): [
Units[0]: ID: 824687817824 RepoID: 824687818160 Type: 824687818912:UnitTypeCode Config: {}
Units[1]: ID: 824687818256 RepoID: 824687818352 Type: 824687818944:UnitTypeIssues Config: {"EnableTimetracker":true,"AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime":true,"EnableDependencies":true}
Units[2]: ID: 824687818608 RepoID: 824687818640 Type: 824687818976:UnitTypePullRequests Config: {"IgnoreWhitespaceConflicts":false,"AllowMerge":true,"AllowRebase":true,"AllowRebaseMerge":true,"AllowSquash":true}
Units[3]: ID: 824687818704 RepoID: 824687818736 Type: 824687819008:UnitTypeReleases Config: {}
Units[4]: ID: 824687818800 RepoID: 824687818832 Type: 824687819040:UnitTypeWiki Config: {} ]
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM "release" WHERE repo_id=$1 AND is_draft=$2 []interface {}{2, false}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "is_fork", "fork_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE (owner_id=$1 AND fork_id=$2) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 2}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "user_id", "repo_id" FROM "watch" WHERE "user_id"=$1 AND "repo_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 2}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "uid", "repo_id" FROM "star" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "repo_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 2}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "branch_name", "can_push", "enable_whitelist", "whitelist_user_i_ds", "whitelist_team_i_ds", "enable_merge_whitelist", "merge_whitelist_user_i_ds", "merge_whitelist_team_i_ds", "approvals_whitelist_user_i_ds", "approvals_whitelist_team_i_ds", "required_approvals", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "protected_branch" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "branch_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, "master"}
2019/11/07 20:19:31 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "branch_name", "can_push", "enable_whitelist", "whitelist_user_i_ds", "whitelist_team_i_ds", "enable_merge_whitelist", "merge_whitelist_user_i_ds", "merge_whitelist_team_i_ds", "approvals_whitelist_user_i_ds", "approvals_whitelist_team_i_ds", "required_approvals", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "protected_branch" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "branch_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, "master"}
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Started GET / for
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...s/context/context.go:328:func1() [D] Session ID: 9592bbb188ca9a45
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...s/context/context.go:329:func1() [D] CSRF Token: 21NVKuOMVuEkabb1tuJWO-fXj4M6MTU3MzE1Nzk3MTU2Mjg1ODU1Mg==
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...s/context/context.go:137:HTML() [D] Template: home
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Completed GET / 200 OK in 3.384469ms
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Started GET /api/internal/hook/pre-receive/foo/bar?old=84ae4ffb4f9f503ce796d345a676c800b675aacc&new=db46e075b33bac76664db835e728b2b34384e424&ref=refs%2Fheads%2Fmaster&userID=1&gitObjectDirectory=%2Fdata%2Fgit%2Fgitea-repositories%2Ffoo%2Fbar.git%2F.%2Fobjects%2Fincoming-PfjpLI&gitAlternativeObjectDirectories=%2Fdata%2Fgit%2Fgitea-repositories%2Ffoo%2Fbar.git%2F.%2Fobjects&gitQuarantinePath=%2Fdata%2Fgit%2Fgitea-repositories%2Ffoo%2Fbar.git%2F.%2Fobjects%2Fincoming-PfjpLI&prID=0 for
2019/11/07 20:19:31 modules/auth/auth.go:97:CheckOAuthAccessToken() [T] ParseOAuth2Token: signature is invalid
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...s/context/context.go:328:func1() [D] Session ID: 92c404aa8441d573
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...s/context/context.go:329:func1() [D] CSRF Token: NMoCu5jvTAQNl_nD2qHisrnfQ9I6MTU3MzE1Nzk3MTc5MDgxMzM4MQ==
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Completed GET /api/internal/hook/pre-receive/foo/bar?old=84ae4ffb4f9f503ce796d345a676c800b675aacc&new=db46e075b33bac76664db835e728b2b34384e424&ref=refs%2Fheads%2Fmaster&userID=1&gitObjectDirectory=%2Fdata%2Fgit%2Fgitea-repositories%2Ffoo%2Fbar.git%2F.%2Fobjects%2Fincoming-PfjpLI&gitAlternativeObjectDirectories=%2Fdata%2Fgit%2Fgitea-repositories%2Ffoo%2Fbar.git%2F.%2Fobjects&gitQuarantinePath=%2Fdata%2Fgit%2Fgitea-repositories%2Ffoo%2Fbar.git%2F.%2Fobjects%2Fincoming-PfjpLI&prID=0 403 Forbidden in 911.132µs
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...s/context/context.go:137:HTML() [D] Template: repo/editor/edit
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Completed POST /foo/bar/_new/master/ 302 Found in 469.152703ms
2019/11/07 20:19:31 ...c/net/http/server.go:3012:logf() [I] http: superfluous response.WriteHeader call from*responseWriter).WriteHeader (response_writer.go:59)
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Started GET /vendor/plugins/simplemde/simplemde.min.css for
[Macaron] [Static] Serving /vendor/plugins/simplemde/simplemde.min.css
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Completed GET /vendor/plugins/simplemde/simplemde.min.css 200 OK in 734.459µs
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Started GET /vendor/plugins/highlight/github.css for
[Macaron] [Static] Serving /vendor/plugins/highlight/github.css
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Completed GET /vendor/plugins/highlight/github.css 200 OK in 326.641µs
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:32: Started GET /vendor/plugins/codemirror/mode/yaml/yaml.js for
[Macaron] [Static] Serving /vendor/plugins/codemirror/mode/yaml/yaml.js
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:32: Completed GET /vendor/plugins/codemirror/mode/yaml/yaml.js 200 OK in 358.95µs
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:32: Started GET /foo/bar/_new/master/site.yml for
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "passwd", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "diff_view_style", "theme" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 ...s/context/context.go:328:func1() [D] Session ID: 84335f472022f1f8
2019/11/07 20:19:32 ...s/context/context.go:329:func1() [D] CSRF Token: 44JwSeHDqnv5UnglbneRrWs288M6MTU3MzE1Nzg2ODg4NjkxNjc0NA==
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM "notification" WHERE (user_id = $1) AND (status = $2) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "passwd", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "diff_view_style", "theme" FROM "user" WHERE "lower_name"=$1 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{"foo"}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "is_fork", "fork_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE "owner_id"=$1 AND "lower_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, "bar"}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "user_id", "mode" FROM "collaboration" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "user_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, 1}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 ...xorm/session_find.go:199:noCacheFind() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "type", "config", "created_unix" FROM "repo_unit" WHERE (repo_id = $1) []interface {}{2}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 ...s/repo_permission.go:154:func1() [T] Permission Loaded for 824707920288:crayvcs in 824707920368:foo/bar:
Permissions: AccessMode: 824707921584:owner, 5 Units, 0 UnitsMode(s): [
Units[0]: ID: 824707920560 RepoID: 824707920608 Type: 824707921616:UnitTypeCode Config: {}
Units[1]: ID: 824707920992 RepoID: 824707921040 Type: 824707921648:UnitTypeIssues Config: {"EnableTimetracker":true,"AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime":true,"EnableDependencies":true}
Units[2]: ID: 824707921136 RepoID: 824707921184 Type: 824707921680:UnitTypePullRequests Config: {"IgnoreWhitespaceConflicts":false,"AllowMerge":true,"AllowRebase":true,"AllowRebaseMerge":true,"AllowSquash":true}
Units[3]: ID: 824707921344 RepoID: 824707921376 Type: 824707921712:UnitTypeReleases Config: {}
Units[4]: ID: 824707921440 RepoID: 824707921504 Type: 824707921744:UnitTypeWiki Config: {} ]
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM "release" WHERE repo_id=$1 AND is_draft=$2 []interface {}{2, false}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "owner_id", "lower_name", "name", "description", "website", "default_branch", "num_watches", "num_stars", "num_forks", "num_issues", "num_closed_issues", "num_pulls", "num_closed_pulls", "num_milestones", "num_closed_milestones", "is_private", "is_empty", "is_archived", "is_mirror", "is_fork", "fork_id", "size", "is_fsck_enabled", "close_issues_via_commit_in_any_branch", "topics", "avatar", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "repository" WHERE (owner_id=$1 AND fork_id=$2) LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 2}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "user_id", "repo_id" FROM "watch" WHERE "user_id"=$1 AND "repo_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 2}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "uid", "repo_id" FROM "star" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "repo_id"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1, 2}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "repo_id", "branch_name", "can_push", "enable_whitelist", "whitelist_user_i_ds", "whitelist_team_i_ds", "enable_merge_whitelist", "merge_whitelist_user_i_ds", "merge_whitelist_team_i_ds", "approvals_whitelist_user_i_ds", "approvals_whitelist_team_i_ds", "required_approvals", "created_unix", "updated_unix" FROM "protected_branch" WHERE "repo_id"=$1 AND "branch_name"=$2 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{2, "master"}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 ...s/context/context.go:137:HTML() [D] Template: repo/editor/edit
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:32: Completed GET /foo/bar/_new/master/site.yml 200 OK in 43.711104ms
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:32: Started GET /serviceworker.js for
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_get.go:99:nocacheGet() [I] [SQL] SELECT "id", "lower_name", "name", "full_name", "email", "keep_email_private", "passwd", "must_change_password", "login_type", "login_source", "login_name", "type", "location", "website", "rands", "salt", "language", "description", "created_unix", "updated_unix", "last_login_unix", "last_repo_visibility", "max_repo_creation", "is_active", "is_admin", "allow_git_hook", "allow_import_local", "allow_create_organization", "prohibit_login", "avatar", "avatar_email", "use_custom_avatar", "num_followers", "num_following", "num_stars", "num_repos", "num_teams", "num_members", "visibility", "diff_view_style", "theme" FROM "user" WHERE "id"=$1 LIMIT 1 []interface {}{1}
2019/11/07 20:19:32 ...s/context/context.go:328:func1() [D] Session ID: 84335f472022f1f8
2019/11/07 20:19:32 ...s/context/context.go:329:func1() [D] CSRF Token: 44JwSeHDqnv5UnglbneRrWs288M6MTU3MzE1Nzg2ODg4NjkxNjc0NA==
2019/11/07 20:19:32 .../xorm/session_raw.go:87:queryRow() [I] [SQL] SELECT count(*) FROM "notification" WHERE (user_id = $1) AND (status = $2) []interface {}{1, 0x1}
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:32: Completed GET /serviceworker.js 200 OK in 7.783204ms
Looks like
[Macaron] 2019-11-07 20:19:31: Started GET /api/internal/hook/pre-receive/foo/bar?old=84ae4ffb4f9f503ce796d345a676c800b675aacc&new=db46e075b33bac76664db835e728b2b34384e424&ref=refs%2Fheads%2Fmaster&userID=1&gitObjectDirectory=%2Fdata%2Fgit%2Fgitea-repositories%2Ffoo%2Fbar.git%2F.%2Fobjects%2Fincoming-PfjpLI&gitAlternativeObjectDirectories=%2Fdata%2Fgit%2Fgitea-repositories%2Ffoo%2Fbar.git%2F.%2Fobjects&gitQuarantinePath=%2Fdata%2Fgit%2Fgitea-repositories%2Ffoo%2Fbar.git%2F.%2Fobjects%2Fincoming-PfjpLI&prID=0 for
2019/11/07 20:19:31 modules/auth/auth.go:97:CheckOAuthAccessToken() [T] ParseOAuth2Token: signature is invalid
is the problem area.
Note, the user is created by the gitea admin CLI when gitea is brought up.
Ok a status forbidden in hook pre-receive code is preceded by a warning.
So the forbidden is happening at:
Meaning that the internal token being passed to the server from the running command is incorrect.
You have different internal tokens - they all have to be the same.
So this action was run from the UI from a logged in user. Are you saying that something that is being done with my configuration of gitea itself is wrong, or something in the UI is wrong?
OK, I think it's time I stepped back down to what goes on when you do any git alterations in Gitea.
gitea hook
which then transmits all of its data to the Gitea server.Now if you go and take a look at one of your gitea-repositories you'll see that the hooks are something like:
❯ cat ~/gitea-repositories/administrator/nonempty.git/hooks/pre-receive.d/gitea [20:50:54]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
"/home/zeripath/go/src/" hook --config='/home/zeripath/go/src/' pre-receive
Note the absolute path to the gitea application that run it, and a config file reference.
The config file reference is important because gitea will not be unlikely to find its config otherwise, in particular it needs the INTERNAL_TOKEN
from that app.ini because, well that's the authorization token that gitea hook uses to talk to the server and it needs find the local address for the Gitea server to speak to (That's specifically LOCAL_ROOT_URL, but ROOT_URL, or whatever goes to make that if that's not set.)
Now as I state above, there is no place for a user to get Forbidden in hooks without some more logging except at:
So, when that push is happening the config that the hook files is finding is not correct - either because INTERNAL_TOKEN is not set or the server that hook speaks to over LOCAL_ROOT_URL has a different INTERNAL_TOKEN.
Is there a way I can modify the pre-receive.d/gitea
bash script to print out the values of the INTERNAL_TOKEN that are in play?
A grep of the config file as a hook would do it as far as I can see.
Where would the output of that hook script end up for me to review?
Stdout from most git hooks is sent directly to the client. Certainly these would do so.
The issue is ensuring that you're getting exactly the same config file as the hook - you could grep/sed it out of the Gitea hook file.
However if you can do all that, I'm not certain just checking hook files and container confs would not work.
If you don't want it to go to the client - one trick is to do a wget to get it into a server log.
Okay, well the instance for the server logs that I found was running in a VM that I have up that has the same configuration as our regular setup, here is the content of the hook and shows that the app.ini
and gitea
executable are where I expect them to be:
bash-5.0# cat /data/git/gitea-repositories/foo/bar.git/hooks/pre-receive.d/gitea
#!/usr/bin/env bash
"/app/gitea/gitea" hook --config='/data/gitea/conf/app.ini' pre-receive
bash-5.0# ls -l /app/gitea/gitea
-rwxr-xr-x 1 git git 62985080 Sep 7 18:02 /app/gitea/gitea
bash-5.0# ls -l /data/gitea/conf/app.ini
-rwxr-xr-x 1 git git 5793 Nov 7 20:30 /data/gitea/conf/app.ini
My app.ini
does not include an INTERNAL_TOKEN
when Gitea first starts up, but it looks like Gitea is creating one properly
bash-5.0# grep INTERNAL_TOKEN /data/gitea/conf/app.ini
INTERNAL_TOKEN = eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE1NzMxNTg2MDB9.dhqm5QaQFItK3--HV69oW8D3j_8UKkLoN0hn4tqg0pM
are defined as such in the server section of app.ini
DOMAIN = git-service.local
ROOT_URL = https://%(DOMAIN)s/vcs/
HTTP_PORT = 3000
LOCAL_ROOT_URL = http://localhost:3000/
Anything you see here look incorrect?
I don't know your configuration but I suspect app.ini having internal token empty is incorrect. Do you ever have more than one Gitea running at a time?
Is it possible that the instance that is running the hook is not the same instance as the Gitea that is the server?
Stop recreating the internal token every time. Put it in the app.ini.
We don't have more than one instance running at a time, so that is not possible.
I'll see about adding an internal token when we bring up gitea the first time. My question would be, however, is the internal token changing while gitea is up and running?
Is there a specific format for the internal token that needs to be used?
Not sure but I could imagine that if the server was restarted for whatever reason the internal token would change.
I think you just need to copy a created internal token from the app.ini of a running server and add that to your template.
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We have made the change to have the INTERNAL_TOKEN set when the instance is first brought up. Haven't seen any issues since then. Thanks for your help on this one @zeripath .
We are hitting the following error very frequently when pushing from our local git repository to Gitea. Gitea is running in its docker image in Kubernetes.
From the local system pushing the branch:
The gitea server logs running in the pod show the following:
Here is our app.ini:
The only thing that can be done to unwedge this is to restart the pod running the gitea server. It appears as though the problem only happens when gitea is first deployed. After restarting the pod, we never see this issue again.
Possibly important is that we do not setup SSH at all, only https. The push failures occurs after cloning the repository using https, and pushing back using https.