go-goose / goose

goose (Go OpenStack Exchange) - Go bindings for talking to OpenStack.
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apiversion_test has failures #49

Closed hmlanigan closed 7 years ago

hmlanigan commented 7 years ago

gopkg.in/goose.v2/client$ go test -check.v ./... SKIP: :3: localLiveSuite.TestAuthDiscover (this test will not work with legacy auth) PASS: :2: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticate 0.000s PASS: :1: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticateFail 0.000s SKIP: local_test.go:290: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticationForbidsMultipleCallers (legacy authentication) PASS: local_test.go:268: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticationSuccess 0.001s PASS: local_test.go:239: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticationTimeout 0.001s SKIP: local_test.go:153: localLiveSuite.TestInexactRegionMatch (legacy authentication doesn't use regions) SKIP: local_test.go:137: localLiveSuite.TestInvalidRegion (legacy authentication doesn't use regions)

FAIL: apiversion_test.go:124: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURL

1 of 13. compute []

2 of 13. compute v2.1 [foo bar/]

3 of 13. compute v2.0 []

4 of 13. compute v2.0 [foo bar/]

5 of 13. compute v2 [foo bar/]

6 of 13. object-store [foo bar]

7 of 13. object-store q2.0 [foo bar/]

apiversion_test.go:140: c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err) ... error string = "strconv.Atoi: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax" ... regex string = "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax"

PASS: apiversion_test.go:145: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURLAPIVersionDiscoveryDisabled0.000s 2017-05-09 18:53:26 WARNING goose.client :38 API version discovery failed: Resource at http://localhost:3005/ not found caused by: request (http://localhost:3005/) returned unexpected status: 404; error info: {"message":"Api does not exist","request_id":"83A781AE-9A0C-43C7-B405-310A5A94566E"} 2017-05-09 18:53:26 WARNING goose.client :38 falling back to catalogue service URL PASS: apiversion_test.go:156: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURLNoAPIVersionEndpoint 0.000s

FAIL: apiversion_test.go:168: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURLValues

1 of 13. compute []

2 of 13. compute v2.1 [foo bar/]

3 of 13. compute v2.0 []

4 of 13. compute v2.0 [foo bar/]

5 of 13. compute v2 [foo bar/]

6 of 13. object-store [foo bar]

7 of 13. object-store q2.0 [foo bar/]

apiversion_test.go:184: c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err) ... error string = "strconv.Atoi: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax" ... regex string = "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax"

SKIP: local_test.go:373: localLiveSuite.TestNonAccessibleServiceType (legacy authentication) PASS: :3: localLiveSuite.TestAuthDiscover 0.000s PASS: :2: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticate 0.001s PASS: :1: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticateFail 0.001s PASS: local_test.go:290: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticationForbidsMultipleCallers 0.001s PASS: local_test.go:268: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticationSuccess 0.000s PASS: local_test.go:239: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticationTimeout 0.001s PASS: local_test.go:153: localLiveSuite.TestInexactRegionMatch 0.001s PASS: local_test.go:137: localLiveSuite.TestInvalidRegion 0.001s

FAIL: apiversion_test.go:124: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURL

1 of 13. compute []

2 of 13. compute v2.1 [foo bar/]

3 of 13. compute v2.0 []

4 of 13. compute v2.0 [foo bar/]

5 of 13. compute v2 [foo bar/]

6 of 13. object-store [foo bar]

7 of 13. object-store q2.0 [foo bar/]

apiversion_test.go:140: c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err) ... error string = "strconv.Atoi: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax" ... regex string = "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax"

PASS: apiversion_test.go:145: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURLAPIVersionDiscoveryDisabled0.000s 2017-05-09 18:53:26 WARNING goose.client :38 API version discovery failed: Resource at http://localhost:3005/ not found caused by: request (http://localhost:3005/) returned unexpected status: 404; error info: {"message":"Api does not exist","request_id":"83A781AE-9A0C-43C7-B405-310A5A94566E"} 2017-05-09 18:53:26 WARNING goose.client :38 falling back to catalogue service URL PASS: apiversion_test.go:156: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURLNoAPIVersionEndpoint 0.000s

FAIL: apiversion_test.go:168: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURLValues

1 of 13. compute []

2 of 13. compute v2.1 [foo bar/]

3 of 13. compute v2.0 []

4 of 13. compute v2.0 [foo bar/]

5 of 13. compute v2 [foo bar/]

6 of 13. object-store [foo bar]

7 of 13. object-store q2.0 [foo bar/]

apiversion_test.go:184: c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err) ... error string = "strconv.Atoi: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax" ... regex string = "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax"

PASS: local_test.go:373: localLiveSuite.TestNonAccessibleServiceType 0.001s PASS: :3: localLiveSuite.TestAuthDiscover 0.000s PASS: :2: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticate 0.001s PASS: :1: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticateFail 0.000s PASS: local_test.go:290: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticationForbidsMultipleCallers 0.001s PASS: local_test.go:268: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticationSuccess 0.001s PASS: local_test.go:239: localLiveSuite.TestAuthenticationTimeout 0.001s PASS: local_test.go:153: localLiveSuite.TestInexactRegionMatch 0.001s PASS: local_test.go:137: localLiveSuite.TestInvalidRegion 0.000s

FAIL: apiversion_test.go:124: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURL

1 of 13. compute []

2 of 13. compute v2.1 [foo bar/]

3 of 13. compute v2.0 []

4 of 13. compute v2.0 [foo bar/]

5 of 13. compute v2 [foo bar/]

6 of 13. object-store [foo bar]

7 of 13. object-store q2.0 [foo bar/]

apiversion_test.go:140: c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err) ... error string = "strconv.Atoi: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax" ... regex string = "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax"

PASS: apiversion_test.go:145: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURLAPIVersionDiscoveryDisabled0.000s 2017-05-09 18:53:26 WARNING goose.client :38 API version discovery failed: Resource at http://localhost:3005/ not found caused by: request (http://localhost:3005/) returned unexpected status: 404; error info: {"message":"Api does not exist","request_id":"83A781AE-9A0C-43C7-B405-310A5A94566E"} 2017-05-09 18:53:26 WARNING goose.client :38 falling back to catalogue service URL PASS: apiversion_test.go:156: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURLNoAPIVersionEndpoint 0.000s

FAIL: apiversion_test.go:168: localLiveSuite.TestMakeServiceURLValues

1 of 13. compute []

2 of 13. compute v2.1 [foo bar/]

3 of 13. compute v2.0 []

4 of 13. compute v2.0 [foo bar/]

5 of 13. compute v2 [foo bar/]

6 of 13. object-store [foo bar]

7 of 13. object-store q2.0 [foo bar/]

apiversion_test.go:184: c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, t.err) ... error string = "strconv.Atoi: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax" ... regex string = "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"q2\": invalid syntax"

PASS: local_test.go:373: localLiveSuite.TestNonAccessibleServiceType 0.000s PASS: local_test.go:490: localHTTPSSuite.TestAuthDiscover 0.002s 2017/05/09 14:53:26 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate PASS: local_test.go:436: localHTTPSSuite.TestDefaultClientRefusesSelfSigned 0.010s 2017/05/09 14:53:26 http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate PASS: local_test.go:474: localHTTPSSuite.TestDefaultPublicClientRefusesSelfSigned 0.005s PASS: local_test.go:442: localHTTPSSuite.TestNonValidatingClientAcceptsSelfSigned 0.004s PASS: local_test.go:482: localHTTPSSuite.TestNonValidatingPublicClientAcceptsSelfSigned 0.003s OOPS: 33 passed, 5 skipped, 6 FAILED --- FAIL: Test (0.06s) FAIL exit status 1 FAIL gopkg.in/goose.v2/client 0.060s

hmlanigan commented 7 years ago
