go-goose / goose

goose (Go OpenStack Exchange) - Go bindings for talking to OpenStack.
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swift: improve GetReadSeeker #51

Closed rogpeppe closed 7 years ago

rogpeppe commented 7 years ago

We change the return value so that it returns a ReadSeekCloser, opening the way for having state inside the returned reader.

We also change it to ensure that the read fails if the content changes underfoot, so we can rely on the length remaining the same.

We also tidy up the live tests a little and fix a failure (they now pass), and change the Swift test server so that it deals with etags and If-Match headers correctly by using http.ServeContent.

rogpeppe commented 7 years ago


mhilton commented 7 years ago


jujubot commented 7 years ago

Status: merge request accepted. Url: http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/github-merge-goose