go-goose / goose

goose (Go OpenStack Exchange) - Go bindings for talking to OpenStack.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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authentication hides important error information #68

Open wallyworld opened 6 years ago

wallyworld commented 6 years ago

In authernticatingClient doAuthenticate(), we return a generic error string when there's an authentication error:

if authDetails, err = c.authMode.Auth(c.creds); err != nil { return gooseerrors.Newf(err, "authentication failed") }

And also further down in the method when there's other types of error, eg

if err := c.createServiceURLs(); err != nil { return gooseerrors.Newf(err, "cannot create service URLs") }

This makes it hard for callers (eg juju) to distinguish between auth errors and other errors. goose does have an UnauthorisedError code so that should be used where appropriate.