go-goose / goose

goose (Go OpenStack Exchange) - Go bindings for talking to OpenStack.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[JUJU-1426] http.StatusConflict, 409, can also be "already exists" #97

Closed hmlanigan closed 2 years ago

hmlanigan commented 2 years ago

Check http.StatusConflict for already exists as well:

request (https://x.com:9696/v2.0/security-group-rules) returned unexpected status: 409; error info: {"NeutronError": {"type": "SecurityGroupRuleExists", "message": "Security group rule already exists. Rule id is 602a41b7-c37f-47aa-a001-1eb6d631aa33.", "detail": ""}}


hmlanigan commented 2 years ago
