go-gorm / clickhouse

GORM clickhouse driver
MIT License
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code: 101, message: Unexpected packet Query received from client when updating many-to-many association #147

Open edhemphill opened 7 months ago

edhemphill commented 7 months ago

Not sure this is a bug or my own misunderstanding of gorm:

These models:

type HModel struct {
    ID        string `gorm:"primarykey"`
    CreatedAt time.Time
    UpdatedAt time.Time
    // DeletedAt DeletedAt `gorm:"index"`

type Visitor struct {
    Email string `gorm:"unique" json:"email"`
    FirstName    string           `json:"first_name"`
    LastName     string           `json:"last_name"`
    Aliases []*Alias `gorm:"many2many:visitor_to_alias" json:"aliases"` // many:many

type Alias struct {
    Email     string `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"email"`
    FirstName string `json:"first_name"`
    LastName  string `json:"last_name"`

an implementation of adding an alias for a visitor like this:

func UpsertAliasForVisitor(db *gorm.DB, visitor *Visitor, alias *Alias) (err error) {
    err = db.Model(alias).Create(alias).Error
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return db.Model(visitor).Association("Aliases").Append(alias)

Fails like such:

[6.709ms] [rows:0] INSERT INTO `aliases` (`email`,`first_name`,`last_name`) VALUES (?,?,?)
clickhouse-go: [send query] compression="lz4" ALTER TABLE `visitors` UPDATE `updated_at`=toDateTime('1705510846') WHERE `id` = '018d185e-3e35-7491-86d6-abbb58e64515'
clickhouse-go: [send data] compression="lz4"
clickhouse-go: [end of stream]
clickhouse-go: [send query] compression="lz4" INSERT INTO `aliases` (`email`,`first_name`,`last_name`) VALUES
clickhouse-go: [send data] compression="lz4"
clickhouse-go: [table columns]
clickhouse-go: [read data] compression="lz4". block: columns=3, rows=0

2024/01/17 11:00:46 /Users/thomashemphill/ubuntu-work/hulation/model/visitor.go:194
[1.576ms] [rows:0] INSERT INTO `aliases` (`email`,`first_name`,`last_name`) VALUES (?,?,?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
clickhouse-go: [send query] compression="lz4" INSERT INTO `visitor_to_alias` (`visitor_id`,`alias_email`) VALUES
clickhouse-go: [send data] compression="lz4"
clickhouse-go: [exception] code: 101, message: Unexpected packet Query received from client
[clickhouse-std][conn=0][localhost:9000] PrepareContext error: code: 101, message: Unexpected packet Query received from client

2024/01/17 11:00:46 /Users/thomashemphill/ubuntu-work/hulation/model/visitor.go:194 code: 101, message: Unexpected packet Query received from client
[3.583ms] [rows:0] INSERT INTO `visitor_to_alias` (`visitor_id`,`alias_email`) VALUES (?,?) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING

However, an implementation calling my own SQL works fine:

func UpsertAliasForVisitor(db *gorm.DB, visitor *Visitor, alias *Alias) (err error) {
    err = db.Model(alias).Create(alias).Error
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {

        if err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO `visitor_to_alias` (`visitor_id`,`alias_email`) VALUES (?,?)", visitor.ID, alias.Email).Error; err != nil {
            fmt.Printf("Error inserting into visitor_to_alias: %s", err.Error())
            log.Errorf("Error inserting into visitor_to_alias: %s", err.Error())



2024/01/17 11:08:10 /Users/thomashemphill/ubuntu-work/hulation/model/model_test.go:109
[15.935ms] [rows:0] INSERT INTO `visitors` (`id`,`created_at`,`updated_at`,`email`,`ss_cookie`,`first_name`,`last_name`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
    model_test.go:115: Insert ok. ID of new visitor is:  018d1865-074f-7b3a-ae0a-37efdb45b365
clickhouse-go: [send query] compression="lz4" INSERT INTO `aliases` (`email`,`first_name`,`last_name`) VALUES
clickhouse-go: [send data] compression="lz4"
clickhouse-go: [table columns]
clickhouse-go: [read data] compression="lz4". block: columns=3, rows=0
clickhouse-go: [send data] compression="lz4"
clickhouse-go: [send data] compression="lz4"
clickhouse-go: [read data] compression="lz4". block: columns=6, rows=18
clickhouse-go: [profile events] rows=18
clickhouse-go: [read data] compression="lz4". block: columns=6, rows=32
clickhouse-go: [profile events] rows=32
clickhouse-go: [end of stream]

2024/01/17 11:08:10 /Users/thomashemphill/ubuntu-work/hulation/model/visitor.go:191
[8.719ms] [rows:0] INSERT INTO `aliases` (`email`,`first_name`,`last_name`) VALUES (?,?,?)
clickhouse-go: [send query] compression="lz4" INSERT INTO `visitor_to_alias` (`visitor_id`,`alias_email`) VALUES ('018d1865-074f-7b3a-ae0a-37efdb45b365','jimbo@google.com')
clickhouse-go: [send data] compression="lz4"
clickhouse-go: [progress] rows=1, bytes=70, total rows=0, wrote rows=1 wrote bytes=70 elapsed=5.984083ms
clickhouse-go: [progress] rows=1, bytes=70, total rows=0, wrote rows=1 wrote bytes=70 elapsed=5.984083ms
clickhouse-go: [read data] compression="lz4". block: columns=6, rows=40
clickhouse-go: [profile events] rows=40
clickhouse-go: [end of stream]

2024/01/17 11:08:10 /Users/thomashemphill/ubuntu-work/hulation/model/visitor.go:202
[6.620ms] [rows:0] INSERT INTO `visitor_to_alias` (`visitor_id`,`alias_email`) VALUES (?,?)

Verified everything using the clickhouse client.

ClickHouse client version (official build).
Connecting to localhost:9000 as user default.
Connected to ClickHouse server version 23.12.2.

My understanding is that the error: code: 101, message: Unexpected packet Query received from client

Is likely when the same client is asked to start a new transaction while waiting on another to complete. My cursory glance at the source confirms this.

Notice that the clickhouse-go end of stream event never occurs in the first implementation. Is the gorm clickhouse driver not waiting for the first action to complete, or am i doing something wrong here?

related: https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-go/issues/322 https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-go/issues/485

edhemphill commented 7 months ago

Further research indicates to me that Clickhouse does not even support constraints with foreign keys. It does not seem to be supported in their SQL spec.

See: https://clickhouse.com/docs/en/sql-reference/statements/alter/constraint https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66354832/how-can-i-use-functionality-of-primary-key-and-foreign-key-in-clickhouse

Take for instance this table:

type User struct {
    Email     string  `gorm:"index"`
    Roles     []*Role `gorm:"many2many:user_roles;"`
    FirstName string
    LastName  string
    Role      string


type HModel struct {
    ID        string `gorm:"primarykey"`
    CreatedAt time.Time
    UpdatedAt time.Time
    // DeletedAt DeletedAt `gorm:"index"`

When doing a err = db.AutoMigrate(&User{}, &Role{}) the driver will attempt this:

ALTER TABLE `user_roles` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_user_roles_role` 
FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`,`role_type`) REFERENCES `roles`(`id`,`type`)

But, at least based on my very limited (a week worth of messing with Clickhouse) this SQL statement is just wrong.

For instance running it in clickhouse-client results in:

Syntax error: failed at position 63 ('FOREIGN'):

 ALTER TABLE `user_roles` ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_user_roles_role` FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`,`role_type`) REFERENCES `roles`(`id`,`type`)

Expected one of: CHECK, ASSUME

Maybe someone could shed light on this.

But - as far as i can tell - this driver is just basically broken.

edhemphill commented 7 months ago

I think the only reasonable way to do many-to-many in clickhouse would be to simply use the ReplacingMergeTree engine using TUPLE() as the ORDER BY

Anyone? thoughts?

Or please tell me I am missing something big here.