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How to soft delete from many2many associations table? #6836

Open Sophie1142 opened 8 months ago

Sophie1142 commented 8 months ago

Your Question

I'd like to soft-delete instead of hard-delete records in a custom many2many custom associations table so that I can have a history of record. I've read the docs a few times through and tried a few different things, but I'm still at a lost.

Here is a fully-working test file on Go playground, with snippets below:

Here are simplified versions of my models:

var db *gorm.DB

type (
    Load struct {
        ExternalID string  `gorm:"uniqueIndex"`
        Emails            []Email `gorm:"many2many:email_loads;"`
        IsPlaceholder     bool    `json:"isPlaceholder"`

    Email struct {
        ExternalID string `gorm:"uniqueIndex"`
        Loads      []Load `gorm:"many2many:email_loads;"`

    EmailLoad struct {
        CreatedAt time.Time
        UpdatedAt time.Time
        DeletedAt gorm.DeletedAt `gorm:"softDelete:flag"`
        EmailID   uint           `gorm:"primaryKey"`
        LoadID    uint           `gorm:"primaryKey"`

The DB table correctly has the 3 time-tracking columns in the email_loads table when I run migrate.

Here is the DeleteLoads function I'm testing.

func DeleteLoads(ctx context.Context) error {
    return db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
        var loadsToDelete []Load
        err := tx.Where("created_at = updated_at AND updated_at < ? AND is_placeholder = true", time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -7)).
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("error finding loads: %w", err)

        // FIXME: I want this to set the join table's deleted_at field, not hard-delete the association row
        return tx.Select("Emails").Delete(&loadsToDelete).Error


And here is the test (helper functions not included for brevity, see Go playground link for full definitions):

func TestGormJoinTableSoftDelete(t *testing.T) {

    ctx := context.Background()
    MustOpenTestDB(ctx, "beacon_test_db")


    email := Email{
        ExternalID: "email1",

    now := time.Now()
    L8D := now.AddDate(0, 0, -8)
    loads := []Load{
            ExternalID: "load1",
            Model: gorm.Model{
                CreatedAt: L8D,
                UpdatedAt: L8D,
            ExternalID: "placeholderLoad",
            IsPlaceholder:     true,
    email.Loads = loads

    err := UpsertEmail(ctx, &email)
    require.NoError(t, err)

    // Override Gorm's automated time-tracking behavior to match delete conditions
    require.NoError(t, db.Model(&email.Loads[1]).UpdateColumn("updated_at", L8D).Error)

    t.Run("OK", func(t *testing.T) {
        err = DeleteLoads(ctx)
        require.NoError(t, err)

        // Verify there's only 1 load now associated with email
        // NOTE: Once soft deletion of associations is enabled, this should still return 1, not 2
        dbEmail, err := GetEmailByExternalID(ctx, "email1")
        require.NoError(t, err)
        require.Len(t, dbEmail.Loads, 1)
        require.False(t, dbEmail.Loads[0].IsPlaceholder)

        // Verify placeholder email was deleted
        var dbLoads []Load
        err = db.Unscoped().Where("is_placeholder = TRUE").Find(&dbLoads).Error
        require.NoError(t, err)
        assert.Len(t, dbLoads, 1)
        assert.NotEmpty(t, dbLoads[0].DeletedAt)
        assert.True(t, dbLoads[0].IsPlaceholder)

        // Verify other association was soft deleted, not hard deleted
        var associations []EmailLoad
        err = db.Unscoped().Model(&EmailLoad{}).Where("deleted_at IS NULL").Find(&associations).Error
        require.NoError(t, err)

        // FIXME this fails because there's no row where deleted_at IS NOT NULL
        assert.Len(t, associations, 1)
        assert.NotEmpty(t, associations[0].DeletedAt)

When I run the test, everything is fine except the association is hard-deleted from the email_loads table instead of soft-deleted. I also want to ensure that if soft-deleting an association is possible, then preloading Loads when getting an Email from the DB still excludes records that are soft-deleted, like all other scoped Gorm queries.

The document you expected this should be explained

https://gorm.io/docs/associations.html#Delete-Associations https://gorm.io/docs/delete.html#Delete-Flag

Expected answer

Sophie1142 commented 8 months ago

Hey @jinzhu I know you're probably slammed but checking in on this