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Gota: DataFrames and data wrangling in Go (Golang)
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add WriteOption to write CSV with all values quoted #60

Open dtenenba opened 6 years ago

dtenenba commented 6 years ago


I am reading from csv files where all the values are double quoted, even if they do not contain a comma (or whatever the delimiter is).

I read these into a DataFrame and then I do some transformation on it and write it back out to a CSV file. The resulting CSV file's values are not double-quoted unless they contain a comma.

I'd like to be able to pass a WriteOption to WriteCSV() that would force the quoting of all values written., even if they do not contain a delimiter. Just to have consistency between my input and output files.

If this request sounds weird, I will explain my use case. My input files are medical study data that contains personally identifiable information such as name and birth date. My code basically takes this information and changes it to random strings of characters that resemble the original but is no longer identifiable as a specific person. I take the resulting csv files and use them as test fixture data to test another code base. This fixture data can be checked into a public GitHub repository because it no longer contains identifying information. I would like the files to be identical in all respects to the original files (except for the identifying information) so that I can have confidence that my passing tests mean the code will also work with real data. That's why I want the csv files to have all fields double-quoted even if it does not seem necessary or is not called for by the CSV spec.

Does that make sense?

Thanks for a nice package.