go-graphite / carbonapi

Implementation of graphite API (graphite-web) in golang
308 stars 140 forks source link

[BUG] #835

Open Hipska opened 4 weeks ago

Hipska commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

CarbonAPI Version 0.16.0, later version is not available: #794

CarbonAPI Configuration:

# Need to be URL, http or https
# This url specifies the backend or a loadbalancer
# If you are using carbonzipper you should set it to
# zipper's url
# If you are using plain go-carbon or graphite-clickhouse
# you should set it to URL of go-carbon's carbonserver module
# or graphite-clickhouse's http url.
# Listen address, should always include hostname or ip address and a port.
listen: ""

# Specify URL Prefix for all handlers
prefix: ""
# Use custom caching DNS resolver instead of default one. You shouldn't use it unless you know what you are doing.
useCachingDNSResolver: false
# TTL for DNS records in DNS cache. Only matters if `useCachingDNSResolver` is enabled.
cachingDNSRefreshTime: "1m"
# Specify if metrics are exported over HTTP and if they are available on the same address or not
# pprofEnabled controls if extra HTTP Handlers to profile and debug application will be available
  enabled: true
  pprofEnabled: false
  listen: ""
# Allow extra charsets in metric names. By default only "Latin" is allowed
# Please note that each unicodeRangeTables will slow down metric parsing a bit
#   For list of supported tables, see: https://golang.org/src/unicode/tables.go?#L3437
#   Special name "all" reserved to append all tables that's currently supported by Go
#   - "Latin"
#   - "Cyrillic"
#   - "Hiragana"
#   - "Katakana"
#   - "Han"
##   - "all"
# Controls headers that would be passed to the backend
  - "X-Dashboard-Id"
  - "X-Grafana-Org-Id"
  - "X-Panel-Id"
  - "X-Dashboard-Id"
  - "X-Grafana-Org-Id"
  - "X-Panel-Id"
# Specify custom function aliases.
# This is example for alias "perMinute(metrics)" that will behave as "perSecond(metric)|scale(60)"
    name: "perMinute"
    template: "perSecond({{.argString}})|scale(60)"
# Control what status code will be returned where /render or find query do not return any metric. Default is 200
notFoundStatusCode: 200
# Max concurrent requests to CarbonZipper
concurency: 1000
   # Type of caching. Valid: "mem", "memcache", "null"
   type: "mem"
   # Cache limit in megabytes
   size_mb: 0
   # Default cache timeout value. Identical to DEFAULT_CACHE_DURATION in graphite-web.
   defaultTimeoutSec: 60
   # Only used by memcache type of cache. List of memcache servers.
      # - ""
      # - ""

# Amount of CPUs to use. 0 - unlimited
cpus: 0
# Timezone, default - local
tz: ""

# By default, functions like aggregate inherit tags from first series (for compatibility with graphite-web)
# If set to true, tags are extracted from seriesByTag arguments
#extractTagsFromArgs: false
#    graphiteWeb: ./graphiteWeb.example.yaml
maxBatchSize: 100000
    # Host:port where to send internal metrics
    # Empty = disabled
    host: ""
    interval: "60s"
    prefix: "carbon.api"
    # rules on how to construct metric name. For now only {prefix} and {fqdn} is supported.
    # {prefix} will be replaced with the content of {prefix}
    # {fqdn} will be repalced with fqdn
    pattern: "{prefix}.{fqdn}"
# Maximium idle connections to carbonzipper
idleConnections: 1000
pidFile: ""
# See https://github.com/go-graphite/carbonzipper/blob/master/example.conf#L70-L108 for format explanation
    # Use TLD Cache. Useful when you have multiple backends that could contain
    # different TLDs.
    # For example whenever you have multiple top level metric namespaces, like:
    #   one_min.some.metric
    #   ten_min.some_metric
    #   one_hour.some_metric
    # `one_min`, `ten_min` and `one_hour` are considered to be TLDs
    # carbonapi by default will probe all backends and cache the responses
    # and will know which backends would contain the prefix of the request
    # This option allows to disable that, which could be helpful for backends like
    # `clickhouse` or other backends where all metrics are part of the same cluster
    tldCacheDisabled: true

    # Number of 100ms buckets to track request distribution in. Used to build
    # 'carbon.zipper.hostname.requests_in_0ms_to_100ms' metric and friends.
    # Requests beyond the last bucket are logged as slow (default of 10 implies
    # "slow" is >1 second).
    # The last bucket is _not_ called 'requests_in_Xms_to_inf' on purpose, so
    # we can change our minds about how many buckets we want to have and have
    # their names remain consistent.
    buckets: 10
        # Maximum backend request time for find requests.
        find: "20s"
        # Maximum backend request time for render requests. This is total one and doesn't take into account in-flight requests
        render: "50s"
        # Timeout to connect to the server
        connect: "200ms"

    # Number of concurrent requests to any given backend - default is no limit.
    # If set, you likely want >= MaxIdleConnsPerHost
    concurrencyLimitPerServer: 1000

    # Configures how often keep alive packets will be sent out
    keepAliveInterval: "30s"

    # Control http.MaxIdleConnsPerHost. Large values can lead to more idle
    # connections on the backend servers which may bump into limits; tune with care.
    maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100

    # Only affects cases with maxBatchSize > 0. If set to `false` requests after split will be sent out one by one, otherwise in parallel
    doMultipleRequestsIfSplit: true

          - groupName: "clickhouse_cluster"
            # supported:
            #    carbonapi_v2_pb - carbonapi 0.11 or earlier version of protocol.
            #    carbonapi_v3_pb - new protocol, http interface (native)
            #    carbonapi_v3_grpc - new protocol, gRPC interface (native)
            #    protobuf, pb, pb3 - same as carbonapi_v2_pb
            #    msgpack - protocol used by graphite-web 1.1 and metrictank
            #    auto - carbonapi will do it's best to guess if it's carbonapi_v3_pb or carbonapi_v2_pb
            #  non-native protocols will be internally converted to new protocol, which will increase memory consumption
            protocol: "carbonapi_v3_pb"
            # supported:
            #    "broadcast" - send request to all backends in group and merge responses. This was default behavior for carbonapi 0.11 or earlier
            #    "roundrobin" - send request to one backend.
            #    "all - same as "broadcast"
            #    "rr" - same as "roundrobin"
            lbMethod: "broadcast"
            # amount of retries in case of unsuccessful request
            maxTries: 3
            # amount of metrics per fetch request. Default: 0 - unlimited. If not specified, global will be used
            maxBatchSize: 0
            # interval for keep-alive http packets. If not specified, global will be used
            keepAliveInterval: "10s"
            # override for global concurrencyLimit.
            concurrencyLimit: 0
            # override for global maxIdleConnsPerHost
            maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1000
            # force attempt to establish HTTP2 connection, instead of http1.1. Default: false
            # Backends must use https for this to take any effect
            forceAttemptHTTP2: false
            # Only affects cases with maxBatchSize > 0. If set to `false` requests after split will be sent out one by one, otherwise in parallel
            doMultipleRequestsIfSplit: true
            # per-group timeout override. If not specified, global will be used.
            # Please note that ONLY min(global, local) will be used.
                # Maximum backend request time for find requests.
                find: "20s"
                # Maximum backend request time for render requests. This is total one and doesn't take into account in-flight requests.
                render: "50s"
                # Timeout to connect to the server
                connect: "200ms"
                - ""

    # carbonsearch is not used if empty
        # Instance of carbonsearch backend
        #backend: ""
        # carbonsearch prefix to reserve/register
        prefix: "virt.v1.*"
        # carbonsearch is not used if empty
    # carbonsearch section will override this one!
        # Carbonsearch instances. Follows the same syntax as backendsv2
        # carbonsearch prefix to reserve/register
        prefix: "virt.v1.*"

# If not zero, enabled cache for find requests
# This parameter controls when it will expire (in seconds)
# Default: 600 (10 minutes)
expireDelaySec: 10
# Uncomment this to get the behavior of graphite-web as proposed in https://github.com/graphite-project/graphite-web/pull/2239
# Beware this will make darkbackground graphs less readable
#      "red": "ff0000"
#      "green": "00ff00"
#      "blue": "#0000ff"
#      "darkred": "#c80032"
#      "darkgreen": "00c800"
#      "darkblue": "002173"
    - logger: ""
      file: "stderr"
      level: "warn"
      encoding: "console"
      encodingTime: "iso8601"
      encodingDuration: "seconds"
    - logger: ""
      file: "/var/log/carbonapi/carbonapi.log"
      level: "debug"
      encoding: "json"


    "level": "ERROR",
    "timestamp": "2024-06-27T17:20:26.559+0200",
    "logger": "access",
    "message": "request failed",
    "data": {
        "handler": "render",
        "carbonapi_uuid": "09155a9b-7df7-45ae-a429-74aa6dabad5e",
        "url": "/render",
        "peer_ip": "x.x.x.x",
        "host": "example.com",
        "format": "json",
        "use_cache": true,
        "targets": [
            "divideSeriesLists(\nsortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(timeShift(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*'), '7d')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name')), sortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name'))\n)\n"
        "cache_timeout": 60,
        "runtime": 0.000289878,
        "http_code": 400,
        "reason": "Bad Request\n\nTarget              : divideSeriesLists(\nsortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(timeShift(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*'), '7d')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name')), sortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name'))\n)\n\nError               : missing argument\nParsed so far       : divideSeriesLists(\nCould not parse     : \nsortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(timeShift(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*'), '7d')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name')), sortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name'))\n)\n\n",
        "from": 1719415225,
        "until": 1719501627,
        "from_raw": "1719415225",
        "until_raw": "1719501627",
        "uri": "/render",
        "from_cache": false,
        "used_backend_cache": false,
        "request_headers": {
            "X-Grafana-Org-Id": "1",
            "X-Panel-Id": "35149"

Simplified query (if applicable)

                    seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*'), 
            'hostname', 'ifName', 'name'
                seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*')
            'hostname', 'ifName', 'name'

Additional context Running this query in Grafana gives the following error message:

Query error

Bad Request

Target : divideSeriesLists( sortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(timeShift(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)octets', 'hostname=EBH-*'), '7d')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name')), sortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name')) )

Error : missing argument Parsed so far : divideSeriesLists( Could not parse : sortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(timeShift(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface_(in|out)octets', 'hostname=EBH-*'), '7d')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name')), sortByName(groupByTags(perSecond(seriesByTag('technology=Evolved Backhaul', 'ifName=lag-10', 'name=~interface(in|out)_octets', 'hostname=EBH-*')), 'last', 'hostname', 'ifName', 'name')) )

Running both sub-queries separately works fine and both return same number of series.