go-graphite / go-carbon

Golang implementation of Graphite/Carbon server with classic architecture: Agent -> Cache -> Persister
MIT License
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[BUG] CVE-2020-13949 #577

Open pickleMan2 opened 6 months ago

pickleMan2 commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug The Thrift Package appears to be affected by CVE-2020-13949, would the team be able to upgrade this package on this project so that it is no longer picked up on our scan reports? https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-13949

Go-carbon Configuration: https://github.com/go-graphite/go-carbon/blob/master/go.sum

deniszh commented 6 months ago

Ho @pickleMan2

Could you please elaborate what should be upgraded exactly? I don't remember that we're using thrift here at all

grutz commented 6 months ago

Looks like it's an indirect import from the module go.opentelemetry.io/otel:



Code vuln scanners generally find these deep things and flag them even when you're not using it.

deniszh commented 6 months ago

Well, that's not easy to upgrade then. Otel package is severely outdated and not upgradable and remove tracing is not easy either.

grutz commented 6 months ago

Based on the first line of the Apache issue tied to the CVE, using this version of the library isn't the problem as it's on the server side not handling short messages.

In Apache Thrift 0.9.3 to 0.13.0, malicious RPC clients could send short messages which would result in a large memory allocation, potentially leading to denial of service.

I'm not the original reporter but have to deal with this quite often. I would note this as "not upgradeable per vendor" and "no impact or risk with use of the go-carbon service" in whatever system reported it and ignore it for 12 months.