Currently wasm-run executes every exported function.
I modified it to execute expressions given as command line arguments in post fix order. e.g.:
wasm-run file.wasm 1 2 neg 3 add (where neg takes one and add takes 2 arguments).
var stack []uint64
for i := range args {
if u, e := strconv.ParseUint(args[i], 10, 64); e == nil {
stack = append(stack, u)
} else if args[i] == "dump" {
dump(vm.Memory(), stack[len(stack)-2], stack[len(stack)-1])
stack = stack[:len(stack)-2]
} else {
x, ok := m.Export.Entries[args[i]]
if !ok {
panic("unknown func: " + args[i])
fidx := m.Function.Types[x.Index]
ftyp := m.Types.Entries[fidx]
n := len(ftyp.ParamTypes)
pop := make([]uint64, n)
copy(pop, stack[len(stack)-n:])
stack = stack[:len(stack)-n]
res, e := vm.ExecCode(int64(x.Index), pop...)
if e != nil {
stack = append(stack, u64(res))
fmt.Printf("%s %v: %v(%x)\n", args[i], pop, res, res)
Currently wasm-run executes every exported function. I modified it to execute expressions given as command line arguments in post fix order. e.g.:
wasm-run file.wasm 1 2 neg 3 add
(where neg takes one and add takes 2 arguments).Maybe you find it useful. (i use it in my wasm compiler for a custom language: