Closed aide-cloud closed 2 months ago
Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically. 👯👭🏻🧑🤝🧑👫🧑🏿🤝🧑🏻👩🏾🤝👨🏿👬🏿
kratos version: v2.7.3
syntax = "proto3";
package api.rabbit.hook;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
option go_package = ";hook";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "api.rabbit.hook";
// Used to accept messages that need to be pushed from the outside world
service Hook {
//Send message, used to receive http data
rpc SendMsg (SendMsgRequest) returns (SendMsgReply) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1_rabbit_send_msg"
body: "*"
message SendMsgRequest {
// Used to receive external data, compatible with all json formats
string json_data = 1;
// Used to match who the data is sent to
string route = 2;
message SendMsgReply {
//Result sent
string msg = 1;
// status code
int32 code = 2;
//Send time
string time = 3;
hookapi.NewHookHTTPClient(l.httpClient).SendMsg(ctx, in, httpOpts...)
error: code = 404 reason = message = metadata = map[] cause = proto: syntax error (line 1:1): unexpected token 404
我还发现个有趣的问题, 拉下来的包和实际的不一致, 少了一段代码块
Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically. 👯👭🏻🧑🤝🧑👫🧑🏿🤝🧑🏻👩🏾🤝👨🏿👬🏿
I also found an interesting problem. The pulled package is inconsistent with the actual one. There is a missing code block.
kratos version: v2.7.3
proto file
error info