go-playground / locales

:earth_americas: a set of locales generated from the CLDR Project which can be used independently or within an i18n package; these were built for use with, but not exclusive to https://github.com/go-playground/universal-translator
MIT License
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Interesting bug #15

Open nicola-spb opened 6 years ago

nicola-spb commented 6 years ago

I started write test for russian and found this bug with FmtNumber. Run test and get: Expected '1 123 456,56' Got '1 123 456,56'

And I found this: bytes: '%!(EXTRA []uint8=[49 194 160 49 50 51 194 160 52 53 54 44 53 54], string='; ', []uint8=[49 32 49 50 51 32 52 53 54 44 53 54])

Sign "group" in Russian is 194 160 is NO-BREAK SPACE and it`s not equals with 32 SPACE. If someone will write test then he will get error in tests.