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Issue, Question or Enhancement:
I am using validator with baked in tags and need the tag values to override an existing function. eg for tag min=1, I want to extract 1. Can someone provide some thoughts on this? I tried checking multiple functions provided by FieldLevel interface but none of them provide me the value I am looking for.
Code sample, to showcase or reproduce:
type Name struct {
FamilyName string `json:"familyName,omitempty" validate:"required,min=1,max=255"`
GivenName string `json:"givenName,omitempty" validate:"required,min=1,max=255"`
// inside validate.go we register custom translator
tag: "min",
customRegisFunc: func(ut ut.Translator) error {
return ut.Add("min", "'{0}' does not satisfy minimum length requirements. ", true)
customTransFunc: func(ut ut.Translator, fe validator.FieldError) string {
t, _ := ut.T("min", fe.Field())
return t
customValidFunc: func(fl validator.FieldLevel) bool {
if input, ok := fl.Field().Interface().(string); ok {
param := fl.Param()
size := fl.Field()
name := fl.FieldName()
tag := fl.GetTag()
value, kind, _ := fl.ExtractType(fl.Field())
if len(strings.TrimSpace(input)) < {value from tag i.e min=1 hence 1} {
return false
return true
Issue, Question or Enhancement:
I am using validator with baked in tags and need the tag values to override an existing function. eg for tag min=1, I want to extract 1. Can someone provide some thoughts on this? I tried checking multiple functions provided by FieldLevel interface but none of them provide me the value I am looking for.
Code sample, to showcase or reproduce: