go-qamel / qamel

Simple QML binding for Go
MIT License
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fail to run with error 'GLIBC_2.25' not found #14

Closed zhangpy closed 5 years ago

zhangpy commented 5 years ago

I use hello world demo and build with

qamel docker linux-static

Build finished successfully. but when I run, I got error

/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.25' not found

My platform is ubuntu16.04

It is better if could build everything with static link.

RadhiFadlillah commented 5 years ago

Yeah, the static build for Linux is a bit spotty. There is also issue with number pad not working on static Linux build. I will look at it as soon as possible.

RadhiFadlillah commented 5 years ago

@zhangpy could you try it again ?

Make sure to update qamel and Docker image for linux-static first :

go get -u -v github.com/RadhiFadlillah/qamel/cmd/qamel
docker pull radhifadlillah/qamel:linux-static

I've reverted the Docker image to use Ubuntu 16.04 as base instead of Ubuntu 18.04, which hopefuly fixed this issue. Along with it, I also fixed issues where numpad not working and fontconfig warning show up when app is started.

zhangpy commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the response. I am sorry I missed the mail and just find it right now. I have a try but build failed with error message:

$>qamel docker linux-static
Run `qamel build` from Docker image.
Starting build process.

Load config file...done
Removing old build files...done
Generating binding files...done
Generating Qt resource file...resource directory doesn't exist
Generating code for QML objects...
Failed: /home/user/go/src/src/github.com/davidrjenni/reftools/cmd/fillswitch/test-fixtures/typeswitch_5/internal/foo/foo.go:15:26: expected type, found '{'
Failed to build app using Docker: exit status 1

docker image ls radhifadlillah/qamel linux-static a8743948b5de

RadhiFadlillah commented 5 years ago

Hi @zhangpy, sorry for late response as well. The job been busy, so I can only answer it today.

Failed: /home/user/go/src/src/github.com/davidrjenni/reftools/cmd/fillswitch/test-fixtures/typeswitch_5/internal/foo/foo.go:15:26: expected type, found '{'

I'm sorry, but I don't think it's qamel fault, because :

My guess is you run qamel build inside $GOPATH/src instead of inside your project. You should open the terminal inside your project dir (for example /home/zhangpy/hello-world) then run qamel build there :

cd /home/zhangpy/hello-world
qamel build
zhangpy commented 5 years ago

Yes, I build it today inside/outside gopath and both compile successfully. :) I don't know how to explain this. thanks for your detailed response.

RadhiFadlillah commented 5 years ago

Yep, glad I could help :smile: