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Fix "Failed to create syso file: exit status 1" error. #16

Closed txfly closed 5 years ago

txfly commented 5 years ago

Fix "Failed to create syso file: exit status 1" error when "windres.exe" is in the "Program Files (x86)" or "Program Files" path.

RadhiFadlillah commented 5 years ago

Hi @txfly, thanks for the PR.

Unfortunately, I can't merge this PR because IMHO it fixed the wrong issue. As far as I know, windres fails usually because one of these two cases :

In this case, I think your issue is happened because of the latter, especially considering your windres is located in Program Files which is not the usual installation place for Qt or MSYS2.

I think the main issue that need to be done first is the useless error message, since exit status 1 is not really helpful to understand why windres fail to run.

With that said, I've already committed the fix to make error message more useful. If you would, please try and check it again. If the error stil persists, feels free to open new issue or new PR :).

RadhiFadlillah commented 5 years ago

After more investigation, it seems this issue happened because of the shells.

When using cmd or powershell, this issue happened. However, when I uses third party shells like cmder the problem doesn't happened.

RadhiFadlillah commented 5 years ago

After more investigation in #15, apparently the only terminal that works properly in Windows 10 cmder, while cmd and powershell is failed with message :

Failed to build app: exit status 1
go build runtime/cgo: c:\go\pkg\tool\windows_amd64\cgo.exe: exit status 2
RadhiFadlillah commented 5 years ago

I'll close this PR for now. Meanwhile, the issue with cmd and powershell will be tracked in #18.