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QML support for the Go language
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Context.SetVar - panic: pre-allocated buffer size was wrong #42

Closed eblincow closed 10 years ago

eblincow commented 10 years ago

I'm unable to pass a struct via Context.SetVar and access one of its fields in the QML. I've tried passing many different structs to SetVars and calling them from the QML in many ways.

panic: pre-allocated buffer size was wrong

goroutine 4 [running]: runtime.panic(0x53e340, 0xc21000a300) /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:266 +0xb6 github.com/niemeyer/qml.typeInfo(0x55d860, 0xc21001d5d0, 0x55d860) /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/github.com/niemeyer/qml/datatype.go:304 +0x7fd github.com/niemeyer/qml.wrapGoValue(0xc21001d540, 0x55d860, 0xc21001d5d0, 0x1, 0x0) /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/github.com/niemeyer/qml/bridge.go:233 +0x40d github.com/niemeyer/qml.packDataValue(0x55d860, 0xc21001d5d0, 0xc21000a2d0, 0xc21001d540, 0x7fe6a0e09c01) /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/github.com/niemeyer/qml/datatype.go:106 +0x21a github.com/niemeyer/qml.func·013() /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/github.com/niemeyer/qml/qml.go:292 +0x84 github.com/niemeyer/qml.hookIdleTimer() /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/github.com/niemeyer/qml/bridge.go:172 +0x5b github.com/niemeyer/qml._Cfunc_applicationExec(0x8c1380) github.com/niemeyer/qml/_obj/_cgo_defun.c:57 +0x31 github.com/niemeyer/qml.guiLoop() /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/github.com/niemeyer/qml/bridge.go:41 +0x5b created by github.com/niemeyer/qml.Init /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/github.com/niemeyer/qml/qml.go:44 +0xa0

goroutine 1 [runnable]: github.com/niemeyer/qml.gui(0xc21001d600) /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/github.com/niemeyer/qml/bridge.go:68 +0xa3 github.com/niemeyer/qml.(*Context).SetVar(0xc21000a2a0, 0x57fd80, 0x5, 0x55d860, 0xc21001d5d0) /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/github.com/niemeyer/qml/qml.go:298 +0x10b main.run(0x7fe6a0e09ed0, 0x2) /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/taq/taq.go:90 +0x19d main.main() /home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/taq/taq.go:73 +0x31b

goroutine 3 [syscall]: runtime.goexit() /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:1394

exit status 2

the go -code is here:

type Cell struct { num int val string pic string }

func NewCell(num int) Cell { return Cell{val: "",num:num,pic:"blank.png"} }

cell01 := NewCell(1) 
engine.Context().SetVar("cell1", &cell01)

and the qml file:

Image {
         source: cell1.pic
         fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit

Any ideas?

niemeyer commented 10 years ago

Yes, I'm pretty sure I know why this is happening. There's a TODO in the code for it which I should have fixed before, sorry about that.

Are you able to provide a small example (or any, if a small one isn't doable), so that we can be sure that this is the proper bug being fixed? Thanks.

eblincow commented 10 years ago

I'll gladly provide a small example. I'm new to open source, so please give me a description of what that example would entail. What files/output and in what format would you like to see.

I'm a huge fan by the way, Gustavo!

niemeyer commented 10 years ago


If you can provide either a URL for the source code or just a small tarball or zip file containing an example that would reproduce the issue above, that would be great already.

eblincow commented 10 years ago

OK, I have created a zip file with an explanation of the bugs (there are two), the source code and qml file, a description of my qml install (actually dpkg dump with packages), and a copy of the error message I received from go. Its located here: http://ge.tt/71nzZJK1/v/0?c

I commented out the two lines causing the second bug so you could investigate the first one if you wanted. Uncommenting them will give you the second bug. Everything is fully described in bug_report.txt.

niemeyer commented 10 years ago

The reported error was indeed the one suspected. I could not reproduce the other issue you mentioned in the text file, though. That said, there's a specific workaround for an upstream issue that resembles very much what you mention. For that reason, the qml package currently triggers a resize event when the window is being shown. It's curious that this isn't working for you.

eblincow commented 10 years ago

Thanks! awesome!

eblincow commented 10 years ago

Hey Gustavo. The same code which used to give "pre-allocated buffer size was wrong" now gives:

2014/02/18 20:35:10 taq.qml:40: file:///home/eb/Dropbox/go/src/taq/taq.qml:40: Unable to assign [undefined] to QUrl

so I passed a struct with a string in it: cell1.pic . At least in the go code, that struct and string are definitely not 'undefined', instead when evaluated it gives 'blank.png'.

niemeyer commented 10 years ago

That sounds like a non-existing property. Make sure the casing is right.

If you cannot figure it out, please link an example and I'll be happy to take a look.

eblincow commented 10 years ago

question: If the struct contains a string field, a la: type Cell struct { pic string } could this be called from the qml via cell1.pic? (assuming the name of Cell was cell1)

niemeyer commented 10 years ago

No, it has to be exported.. Pic would work, for example. Note that you'd still refer to it as "pic" from within QML code, though, as that's a requirement for any object properties there. There is a small section in the package documentation at http://godoc.org/github.com/niemeyer/qml that explains the rules ("Lowercasing of names").

eblincow commented 10 years ago

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. only uppercase Go names are exported. wow. ok, lets try this out...

niemeyer commented 10 years ago

Yeah, that's an important rule of package namespacing. You'll face it when dealing with any cross-package code. Note that this includes cases such as marshalling packages (xml, json, etc).

eblincow commented 10 years ago

ok. it works now. yeahhh!!!! tic tac toh baby!!!