Open kellabyte opened 7 years ago
I've made a quick demonstration. It may not be 100% accurate, sorry if I messed anything up, I've only verified that it reads the header correctly.
package main
import (
restruct ""
const (
AtomROMChecksumOffset = 0x21
AtomROMHeaderPtr = 0x48
type AtomCommonTableHeader struct {
StructureSize int16
TableFormatRevision byte
TableContentRevision byte
type AtomRomHeader struct {
Header AtomCommonTableHeader
FirmWareSignature uint32
BiosRuntimeSegmentAddress uint16
ProtectedModeInfoOffset uint16
ConfigFilenameOffset uint16
CRCBlockOffset uint16
BIOSBootupMessageOffset uint16
Int10Offset uint16
PciBusDevInitCode uint16
IoBaseAddress uint16
SubsystemVendorID uint16
SubsystemID uint16
PCIInfoOffset uint16
MasterCommandTableOffset uint16
MasterDataTableOffset uint16
ExtendedFunctionCode byte
_ byte
PSPDirTableOffset uint32
VendorID uint16
DeviceID uint16
type AtomDataTables struct {
Header AtomCommonTableHeader
UtilityPipeLine uint16
MultimediaCapabilityInfo uint16
MultimediaConfigInfo uint16
StandardVESATiming uint16
FirmwareInfo uint16
PaletteData uint16
LCDInfo uint16
DIGTransmitterInfo uint16
SMUInfo uint16
SupportedDevicesInfo uint16
GPIOI2CInfo uint16
VRAMUsageByFirmware uint16
GPIOPinLUT uint16
VESAToInternalModeLUT uint16
GFXInfo uint16
PowerPlayInfo uint16
GPUVirtualizationInfo uint16
SaveRestoreInfo uint16
PPLLSSInfo uint16
OemInfo uint16
XTMDSInfo uint16
MclkSSInfo uint16
ObjectHeader uint16
IndirectIOAccess uint16
MCInitParameter uint16
ASICVDDCInfo uint16
ASICInternalSSInfo uint16
TVVideoMode uint16
VRAMInfo uint16
MemoryTrainingInfo uint16
IntegratedSystemInfo uint16
ASICProfilingInfo uint16
VoltageObjectInfo uint16
PowerSourceInfo uint16
ServiceInfo uint16
type AtomPowerplayTable struct {
Header AtomCommonTableHeader
TableRevision byte
TableSize uint16
GoldenPPID uint32
GoldenRevision uint32
FormatID uint16
VoltageTime uint16
PlatformCaps uint32
MaxODEngineClock uint32
MaxODMemoryClock uint32
PowerControlLimit uint16
UlvVoltageOffset uint16
StateArrayOffset uint16
FanTableOffset uint16
ThermalControllerOffset uint16
_ uint16
MclkDependencyTableOffset uint16
SclkDependencyTableOffset uint16
VddcLookupTableOffset uint16
VddgfxLookupTableOffset uint16
MMDependencyTableOffset uint16
VCEStateTableOffset uint16
PPMTableOffset uint16
PowerTuneTableOffset uint16
HardLimitTableOffset uint16
PCIETableOffset uint16
GPIOTableOffset uint16
_ [6]uint16
type AtomMClkEntry struct {
VddcInd byte
Vddci uint16
VddgfxOffset uint16
Mvdd uint16
Mclk uint32
_ uint16
type AtomMClkTable struct {
RevID byte
NumEntries byte
Entries []AtomMClkEntry ``
type AtomSClkEntry struct {
VddInd byte
VddcOffset uint16
Sclk uint32
EdcCurrent uint16
ReliabilityTemperature byte
CKSVOffsetandDisable byte
SclkOffset uint32
// Polaris Only, remove for compatibility with Fiji
type AtomSClkTable struct {
RevID byte
NumEntries byte `struct:"sizeof=Entries"`
Entries []AtomSClkEntry
type AtomVoltageEntry struct {
Vdd uint16
CACLow uint16
CACMid uint16
CACHigh uint16
type AtomVoltageTable struct {
RevID byte
NumEntries byte `struct:"sizeof=Entries"`
Entries []AtomVoltageEntry
type AtomFanTable struct {
RevID byte
THyst byte
TMin uint16
TMed uint16
THigh uint16
PWMMin uint16
PWMMed uint16
PWMHigh uint16
TMax uint16
FanControlMode byte
FanPWMMax uint16
FanOutputSensitivity uint16
FanRPMMax uint16
MinFanSCLKAcousticLimit uint32
TargetTemperature byte
MinimumPWMLimit byte
FanGainEdge uint16
FanGainHotspot uint16
FanGainLiquid uint16
FanGainVrVddc uint16
FanGainVrMvdd uint16
FanGainPlx uint16
FanGainHbm uint16
_ uint16
type AtomPowertuneTable struct {
RevID byte
TDP uint16
ConfigurableTDP uint16
TDC uint16
BatteryPowerLimit uint16
SmallPowerLimit uint16
LowCACLeakage uint16
HighCACLeakage uint16
MaximumPowerDeliveryLimit uint16
TjMax uint16
PowerTuneDataSetID uint16
EDCLimit uint16
SoftwareShutdownTemp uint16
ClockStretchAmount uint16
TemperatureLimitHotspot uint16
TemperatureLimitLiquid1 uint16
TemperatureLimitLiquid2 uint16
TemperatureLimitVrVddc uint16
TemperatureLimitVrMvdd uint16
TemperatureLimitPlx uint16
Liquid1I2CAddress byte
Liquid2I2CAddress byte
LiquidI2CLine byte
VrI2CAddress byte
VrI2CLine byte
PlxI2CAddress byte
PlxI2CLine byte
_ uint16
type AtomVRAMTimingEntry struct {
ClkRange uint32
Latency [0x30]byte
type AtomVRAMEntry struct {
ChannelMapCfg uint32
ModuleSize uint16
McRAMCfg uint16
EnableChannels uint16
ExtMemoryID byte
MemoryType byte
ChannelNum byte
ChannelWidth byte
Density byte
BankCol byte
Misc byte
VREFI byte
_ uint16
MemorySize uint16
McTunningSetID byte
RowNum byte
EMRS2Value uint16
EMRS3Value uint16
MemoryVenderID byte
RefreshRateFactor byte
FIFODepth byte
CDRBandwidth byte
ChannelMapCfg1 uint32
BankMapCfg uint32
_ uint32
MemPNString [20]byte
type AtomVRAMInfo struct {
Header AtomCommonTableHeader
MemAdjustTblOffset uint16
MemClkPatchTblOffset uint16
McAdjustPerTileTblOffset uint16
McPhyInitTableOffset uint16
DramDataRemapTblOffset uint16
_ uint16
NumOfVRAMModule byte `struct:"sizeof=VramInfo"`
MemoryClkPatchTblVer byte
VramModuleVer byte
McPhyTileNum byte
VramInfo []AtomVRAMEntry
func main() {
if flag.NArg() != 1 {
log.Println("Usage: <ROM file>")
fn := flag.Arg(0)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fn)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error reading ROM file:", err)
// Get offset to header
headerOffset := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[AtomROMHeaderPtr : AtomROMHeaderPtr+2])
// Unpack header
header := AtomRomHeader{}
err = restruct.Unpack(data[headerOffset:], binary.LittleEndian, &header)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error unpacking ROM header:", err)
fmt.Printf("HEADER: %#v\n", header)
Some useful notes:
, so I pulled it off of Google.// public ATOM_VRAM_ENTRY aVramInfo[ucNumOfVRAMModule];
This is because C#'s binary marshaling is not powerful enough to represent dynamic arrays with size prefixes. Restruct (and the Go library restruct was inspired by, struc
) supports these, so we can actually do this without having to loop over the array separately to read each entry. This is done by putting a sizeof
struct tag above it that references it:
NumOfVRAMModule byte `struct:"sizeof=VramInfo"`
has no meaning in Golang. Go does have a concept of unsafe
but it is used for memory unsafe operations and not for fixing things in place, which is not necessary because Go does not reorder memory. So we can remove entirely unsafe
and fixed
.[StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
specifies tight struct packing, i.e. no added padding between elements. Restruct already assumes this, so it's actually necessary to manually emulate this padding if it happens to be present. In this case, we can just put everything as it is and it should work.Reserved
were renamed to _
. This means there is no way to access them directly and the data will be cleared if you try to repack the struct. Therefore, if you are modding your BIOS with this code, PLEASE change all fields named _
to something like, Reserved1
, Reserved2
, etc.I hope this will help you get started. I tested it with the RX480 BIOS and was able to get what looked like the header structure. Try it using the demo code above (throw the example into a file in an empty folder, go build
, and pass it the filename via command line.)
Also, if you are doing so, please be careful when modding your BIOS :) Obviously, I can't provide any warranty as to the correct operation of Restruct, but I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.
Holy crap. This was like one of the best answers I've ever gotten on GitHub. You actually googled what I was trying to do and read in a BIOS haha :) You described everything as well! Let me try this out! Thanks so much!
Why did you have to rename public Byte ucReserved;
to _
? Just curious why you were forced to do that?
No problem. Of course if you find any bugs or other issues feel free to open those separately of this ticket.
Oh sorry. No I was not forced, I just tried to make it as idiomatic as possible. You can restore those to Reserved if you want to be able to access them, the _ keyword in go is just convenient for when you don't care.
Okay great, thanks so much again! This seems to be working :) This library really made it so much simpler.
How would I handle deserializing this part?
atom_vram_timing_offset = atom_vram_info_offset + atom_vram_info.usMemClkPatchTblOffset + 0x2E;
atom_vram_timing_entries = new ATOM_VRAM_TIMING_ENTRY[MAX_VRAM_ENTRIES];
for (var i = 0; i < MAX_VRAM_ENTRIES; i++) {
atom_vram_timing_entries [i] = fromBytes<ATOM_VRAM_TIMING_ENTRY> (buffer.Skip (atom_vram_timing_offset + Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(ATOM_VRAM_TIMING_ENTRY)) * i).ToArray ());
// atom_vram_timing_entries have an undetermined length
// attempt to determine the last entry in the array
if (atom_vram_timing_entries [i].ulClkRange == 0) {
Array.Resize (ref atom_vram_timing_entries, i);
Hmm... Mostly the same, but it is a little more challenging.
We have to go through the chain of structs to get there. I decided to make another demo because it is a little harder than I expected.
The worst part is determining the size of the VRAM info structure. I created a new ticket to cover making it simpler to get the binary size of a structure.
FWIW, I can't verify that this is actually accurate, so you may want to try to compare this to what Polaris shows for the same ROM.
package main
import (
restruct ""
const (
AtomROMChecksumOffset = 0x21
AtomROMHeaderPtr = 0x48
type AtomCommonTableHeader struct {
StructureSize int16
TableFormatRevision byte
TableContentRevision byte
type AtomRomHeader struct {
Header AtomCommonTableHeader
FirmWareSignature uint32
BiosRuntimeSegmentAddress uint16
ProtectedModeInfoOffset uint16
ConfigFilenameOffset uint16
CRCBlockOffset uint16
BIOSBootupMessageOffset uint16
Int10Offset uint16
PciBusDevInitCode uint16
IoBaseAddress uint16
SubsystemVendorID uint16
SubsystemID uint16
PCIInfoOffset uint16
MasterCommandTableOffset uint16
MasterDataTableOffset uint16
ExtendedFunctionCode byte
_ byte
PSPDirTableOffset uint32
VendorID uint16
DeviceID uint16
type AtomDataTables struct {
Header AtomCommonTableHeader
UtilityPipeLine uint16
MultimediaCapabilityInfo uint16
MultimediaConfigInfo uint16
StandardVESATiming uint16
FirmwareInfo uint16
PaletteData uint16
LCDInfo uint16
DIGTransmitterInfo uint16
SMUInfo uint16
SupportedDevicesInfo uint16
GPIOI2CInfo uint16
VRAMUsageByFirmware uint16
GPIOPinLUT uint16
VESAToInternalModeLUT uint16
GFXInfo uint16
PowerPlayInfo uint16
GPUVirtualizationInfo uint16
SaveRestoreInfo uint16
PPLLSSInfo uint16
OemInfo uint16
XTMDSInfo uint16
MclkSSInfo uint16
ObjectHeader uint16
IndirectIOAccess uint16
MCInitParameter uint16
ASICVDDCInfo uint16
ASICInternalSSInfo uint16
TVVideoMode uint16
VRAMInfo uint16
MemoryTrainingInfo uint16
IntegratedSystemInfo uint16
ASICProfilingInfo uint16
VoltageObjectInfo uint16
PowerSourceInfo uint16
ServiceInfo uint16
type AtomPowerplayTable struct {
Header AtomCommonTableHeader
TableRevision byte
TableSize uint16
GoldenPPID uint32
GoldenRevision uint32
FormatID uint16
VoltageTime uint16
PlatformCaps uint32
MaxODEngineClock uint32
MaxODMemoryClock uint32
PowerControlLimit uint16
UlvVoltageOffset uint16
StateArrayOffset uint16
FanTableOffset uint16
ThermalControllerOffset uint16
_ uint16
MclkDependencyTableOffset uint16
SclkDependencyTableOffset uint16
VddcLookupTableOffset uint16
VddgfxLookupTableOffset uint16
MMDependencyTableOffset uint16
VCEStateTableOffset uint16
PPMTableOffset uint16
PowerTuneTableOffset uint16
HardLimitTableOffset uint16
PCIETableOffset uint16
GPIOTableOffset uint16
_ [6]uint16
type AtomMClkEntry struct {
VddcInd byte
Vddci uint16
VddgfxOffset uint16
Mvdd uint16
Mclk uint32
_ uint16
type AtomMClkTable struct {
RevID byte
NumEntries byte
Entries []AtomMClkEntry
type AtomSClkEntry struct {
VddInd byte
VddcOffset uint16
Sclk uint32
EdcCurrent uint16
ReliabilityTemperature byte
CKSVOffsetandDisable byte
SclkOffset uint32
// Polaris Only, remove for compatibility with Fiji
type AtomSClkTable struct {
RevID byte
NumEntries byte `struct:"sizeof=Entries"`
Entries []AtomSClkEntry
type AtomVoltageEntry struct {
Vdd uint16
CACLow uint16
CACMid uint16
CACHigh uint16
type AtomVoltageTable struct {
RevID byte
NumEntries byte `struct:"sizeof=Entries"`
Entries []AtomVoltageEntry
type AtomFanTable struct {
RevID byte
THyst byte
TMin uint16
TMed uint16
THigh uint16
PWMMin uint16
PWMMed uint16
PWMHigh uint16
TMax uint16
FanControlMode byte
FanPWMMax uint16
FanOutputSensitivity uint16
FanRPMMax uint16
MinFanSCLKAcousticLimit uint32
TargetTemperature byte
MinimumPWMLimit byte
FanGainEdge uint16
FanGainHotspot uint16
FanGainLiquid uint16
FanGainVrVddc uint16
FanGainVrMvdd uint16
FanGainPlx uint16
FanGainHbm uint16
_ uint16
type AtomPowertuneTable struct {
RevID byte
TDP uint16
ConfigurableTDP uint16
TDC uint16
BatteryPowerLimit uint16
SmallPowerLimit uint16
LowCACLeakage uint16
HighCACLeakage uint16
MaximumPowerDeliveryLimit uint16
TjMax uint16
PowerTuneDataSetID uint16
EDCLimit uint16
SoftwareShutdownTemp uint16
ClockStretchAmount uint16
TemperatureLimitHotspot uint16
TemperatureLimitLiquid1 uint16
TemperatureLimitLiquid2 uint16
TemperatureLimitVrVddc uint16
TemperatureLimitVrMvdd uint16
TemperatureLimitPlx uint16
Liquid1I2CAddress byte
Liquid2I2CAddress byte
LiquidI2CLine byte
VrI2CAddress byte
VrI2CLine byte
PlxI2CAddress byte
PlxI2CLine byte
_ uint16
type AtomVRAMTimingEntry struct {
ClkRange uint32
Latency [0x30]byte
type AtomVRAMEntry struct {
ChannelMapCfg uint32
ModuleSize uint16
McRAMCfg uint16
EnableChannels uint16
ExtMemoryID byte
MemoryType byte
ChannelNum byte
ChannelWidth byte
Density byte
BankCol byte
Misc byte
VREFI byte
_ uint16
MemorySize uint16
McTunningSetID byte
RowNum byte
EMRS2Value uint16
EMRS3Value uint16
MemoryVenderID byte
RefreshRateFactor byte
FIFODepth byte
CDRBandwidth byte
ChannelMapCfg1 uint32
BankMapCfg uint32
_ uint32
MemPNString string `struct:"[20]byte"`
type AtomVRAMInfo struct {
Header AtomCommonTableHeader
MemAdjustTblOffset uint16
MemClkPatchTblOffset uint16
McAdjustPerTileTblOffset uint16
McPhyInitTableOffset uint16
DramDataRemapTblOffset uint16
_ uint16
NumOfVRAMModule byte `struct:"sizeof=VramInfo"`
MemoryClkPatchTblVer byte
VramModuleVer byte
McPhyTileNum byte
VramInfo []AtomVRAMEntry
func main() {
if flag.NArg() != 1 {
log.Println("Usage: <ROM file>")
fn := flag.Arg(0)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fn)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error reading ROM file:", err)
// Get offset to header
headerOffset := binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(data[AtomROMHeaderPtr : AtomROMHeaderPtr+2])
// Unpack header
header := AtomRomHeader{}
err = restruct.Unpack(data[headerOffset:], binary.LittleEndian, &header)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error unpacking ROM header:", err)
// Unpack data tables.
dataTables := AtomDataTables{}
err = restruct.Unpack(data[header.MasterDataTableOffset:], binary.LittleEndian, &dataTables)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error unpacking data tables:", err)
fmt.Printf("Data tables: %#v\n\n", dataTables)
// Unpack VRAM info.
vramInfo := AtomVRAMInfo{}
err = restruct.Unpack(data[dataTables.VRAMInfo:], binary.LittleEndian, &vramInfo)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error unpacking VRAM info:", err)
fmt.Printf("VRAM Info: %#v\n\n", vramInfo)
// HACK: determine sizeof VRAM info.
// See restruct issue #5.
vramInfoData, err := restruct.Pack(binary.LittleEndian, vramInfo)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error sizing VRAM info:", err)
// Loop over VRAM timing entries.
vramTimingPtr := int(dataTables.VRAMInfo) + len(vramInfoData)
vramTimingEntries := [16]AtomVRAMTimingEntry{}
for i := range vramTimingEntries {
err := restruct.Unpack(data[vramTimingPtr:], binary.LittleEndian, &vramTimingEntries[i])
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Error unpacking timing entry:", err)
if vramTimingEntries[i].ClkRange == 0 {
vramTimingPtr += 0x34
fmt.Printf("VRAM Info Length: %d\n", len(vramInfoData))
fmt.Printf("VRAM Timing Entries: %#v\n\n", vramTimingEntries)
Thanks so much for the help again! I think this is working however I've been trying to figure out how to decode some of the fields and I'm a bit stuck at this spot.
istVRAM.Items.Clear ();
for (var i = 0; i < atom_vram_info.ucNumOfVRAMModule; i++) {
if (atom_vram_entries [i].strMemPNString [0] != 0)
listVRAM.Items.Add (Encoding.UTF8.GetString (atom_vram_entries [i].strMemPNString).Substring (0, 10));
listVRAM.SelectedIndex = 0;
atom_vram_index = listVRAM.SelectedIndex;
tableVRAM_TIMING.Items.Clear ();
for (var i = 0; i < atom_vram_timing_entries.Length; i++) {
uint tbl = atom_vram_timing_entries [i].ulClkRange >> 24;
tableVRAM_TIMING.Items.Add (new ListViewItem (new string[] {
tbl.ToString () + ":" + (atom_vram_timing_entries [i].ulClkRange & 0x00FFFFFF) / 100,
ByteArrayToString (atom_vram_timing_entries [i].ucLatency)
This is tripping me up:
Encoding.UTF8.GetString (atom_vram_entries [i].strMemPNString).Substring (0, 10)
That part (the Encoding.UTF8.GetString
line) isn't strictly necessary, or at least not to the same degree. In my updated example, I switched MemPNString
to be a string
type with the Restruct tag [20]byte
, which will make it behave like it does in the C# code but allow you to treat it as a UTF-8 string directly.
Specifically, check this bit in AtomVRAMEntry
MemPNString string `struct:"[20]byte"`
To get just the first 10 characters, you'd simply do vramEntry.MemPNString[:10]
To do it without setting the type of the field to string
, you'd just have to do a little more work. Assuming the field looks like this:
MemPNString [20]byte should just be able to do this: string(vramEntry.MemPNString[:10])
to get the UTF-8 string of the first 10 bytes.
Oh! That looks simple but I'm getting weird output.
count := int(vramInfo.NumOfVRAMModule)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
if vramInfo.VramInfo[i].MemPNString[0] != 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(vramInfo.VramInfo[i].MemPNString[:10]))
Intersting. Looking at the RX480 BIOS with the previously posted example, i'm getting "K4G80325FB" which looks right to me. Could you possibly try my example with your ROM to make sure that the ROM layout isn't differing slightly somewhere?
Yup! Just did, I pasted your example into my app and ran it instead of my code and it shows the same output for the for loop I pasted above.
This ROM is for a RX580 BIOS but Polaris works on it and supports both so this should be working unless there's some offset I'm missing that Polaris is doing.
Hmmm... this is interesting then. I'll get on my Windows computer later and see what Polaris is doing differently. I've probably made a mistake somewhere.
I've pushed my more polished implementation of this up to GitHub :) FYI I'm running Polaris via Mono on a Mac, so Windows isn't required. It takes a loooong time to start the first time though.
OK, thanks, that's actually quite helpful. I'll try to remember to take a look at this tomorrow, I didn't end up getting a look at this tonight.
No problem! Thank you so very much for all the help :)
Interesting! So I have 2 RX580 GPU kinds and there's 2 filesizes of ROM's for 580's. One is causing me this error one is not.
The VBIOS with 262144
bytes works but the VBIOS with 524288
bytes doesn't work. In PolarisBiosEditor there's a check for these file sizes.
However I'm not sure how this alters reading data from the file. I must be missing an offset somewhere or something?
I have a feeling the answer lies somewhere else. The way I would go about figuring this out is by instrumenting the Go and C# code with some printf statements that traces out the offsets as determined by each program, all the way up to the top. That way, you would be able to see where it is going awry.
That being said, I've been too busy to actually do that.
No problem! I'm outputting some offsets and there seems to be something off here. In PBE:
var atom_vram_entry_offset = atom_vram_info_offset + Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(ATOM_VRAM_INFO));
In Go code:
// HACK: determine sizeof VRAM info.
// See restruct issue #5.
vramInfoData, err := restruct.Pack(binary.LittleEndian, vramInfo)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(chalk.Red, "Error sizing VRAM info: ", err, chalk.Reset)
vramEntryOffset := int(vramInfoOffset) + len(vramInfoData)
Perhaps that len trick isn't working.
Console.WriteLine(Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(ATOM_VRAM_INFO)));
Aha! It's reporting the wrong size because you added this field to AtomVRAMInfo
VramInfo []AtomVRAMEntry
Was that the problem?
The C# code was manually decoding VramInfo
, I used restruct's sizeof
annotation to decode it instead. It's definitely possible that I got the implementation wrong, sizeof
doesn't match the behavior, or there's a bug with sizeof
, however it would be confusing to me if simply removing VramInfo
solved the problem.
However, if it did, feel free to close the issue.
I've been working on the deficiencies in the library that we saw here, especially the lack of a SizeOf
function (Issue #5). It unmasked several limitations in the API that I have now created issues for, and if you use the
package instead of the
package, you'll get the ability to use SizeOf
instead of Pack
ing and checking len
I have these structs from C# that I want to port to Go. How would I handle these custom annotations with restruct?