go-rod / rod

A Chrome DevTools Protocol driver for web automation and scraping.
MIT License
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How to disable the dialog when open External protocols #1061

Open honshow opened 1 month ago

honshow commented 1 month ago

Rod Version: v0.0.0

The code to demonstrate your question

  When open tel://xxx,mdn://xxx or other scheme,browser will ask you select the  applition for protocol,How can I cancel or disable the dialog? 
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Please add a valid Rod Version: v0.0.0 to your issue. Current version is v0.116.0

Please fix the format of your markdown:

3 MD022/blanks-around-headings/blanks-around-headers Headings should be surrounded by blank lines [Expected: 1; Actual: 0; Below] [Context: "## The code to demonstrate your question"]

generated by check-issue

ysmood commented 1 month ago

I think preference json might be able to config it.