go-spatial / tegola

Tegola is a Mapbox Vector Tile server written in Go
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Merging multiple layers #127

Open pnorman opened 7 years ago

pnorman commented 7 years ago

c.f. #87 for more restricted case

I have a specification for a vector tile schema which calls for

Right now this would require SQL like

    ST_AsBinary(way) AS way,
  FROM (
      0::bigint AS gid,
      'ocean' AS water
    FROM ne_ocean
    WHERE !ZOOM! < 5
      0::bigint AS gid,
      'lake' AS water
    FROM ne_lake
    WHERE !ZOOM! < 5
      0::bigint AS gid,
      'ocean' AS water
    FROM simplified_ocean_polygons
    WHERE !ZOOM! < 10 !ZOOM! >= 5
      0::bigint AS gid,
      'ocean' AS water
    FROM ocean_polygons
    WHERE !ZOOM! < 10 !ZOOM! >= 5
      0::bigint AS gid,
        CASE WHEN landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin') THEN landuse END,
        CASE WHEN waterway IN ('dock', 'riverbank') THEN waterway END) AS water
    FROM planet_osm_polygon
    WHERE !ZOOM! < 10 !ZOOM! >= 5
      AND (waterway IN ('dock', 'riverbank')
        OR landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin')
        OR "natural" = 'water'))
    ) waters
  WHERE way && !BBOX!;

Although query performance is not an issue, writing SQL like this can become unwieldy as the parts of the query become more complex, there are more fields to match across the UNION ALLs, and the number of parts increases.

It would be useful to be able to write each query independently, then merge them with tegola.

ARolek commented 7 years ago

@pnorman i think this is a dupe of #94. From what I can tell, you're looking for a way to keep the layer name that is encoded in the tile but query from different tables from either the same or different providers.

This is something we're working on and is a fairly requested feature. I'm going to bump it up in priority due to demand. Please check #94 (I know you commented on it earlier today) to make sure we're addressing what you're looking for here.

pnorman commented 7 years ago

This issue is looking at where there are two sources for data at the same zoom, #94 doesn't cover that case.

ARolek commented 7 years ago

@pnorman and with the same layer name?

pnorman commented 7 years ago

Yes - all the same layer name in this case

ARolek commented 5 years ago

@pnorman I think you could simplify this query using the map layer_name config. For more information: https://tegola.io/documentation/configuration/#map-layers

pnorman commented 5 years ago

@pnorman I think you could simplify this query using the map layer_name config. For more information: https://tegola.io/documentation/configuration/#map-layers

It can do half of it - it means I can split up things by zoom, but not by source. For the latter, I tried this configuration

name = "osm2pgsql"
type = "postgis"
host = "/var/run/postgresql" # Default for Debian-based distributions
port = 5432                     # postgis database port
database = "osmcarto_bc"        # postgis database name
user = ""
password = ""

  name = "ne_ocean"
  geometry_fieldname = "way"
  geometry_type = "Polygon"
  sql = """
      ST_AsBinary(way) AS way
    FROM ne_ocean
    WHERE way && !BBOX!

  name = "ne_lake"
  geometry_fieldname = "way"
  geometry_type = "Polygon"
  sql = """
      ST_AsBinary(way) AS way
    FROM ne_lake
    WHERE way && !BBOX!

name = "bolder"

name = "water"
provider_layer = "osm2pgsql.ne_ocean"
min_zoom = 0
max_zoom = 5

name = "water"
provider_layer = "osm2pgsql.ne_lake"
min_zoom = 0
max_zoom = 5

and get the error

config: overlapping zooms for layer (osm2pgsql.ne_ocean) and layer (osm2pgsql.ne_lake)
ARolek commented 5 years ago

Yeah that's still not supported as it brings up a lot of implementation questions like how to handle layer and feature merging / conflict handling.

pnorman commented 5 years ago

Yeah that's still not supported as it brings up a lot of implementation questions like how to handle layer and feature merging / conflict handling.

I was thinking iterating through the layers writing out objects, but you need to know all the keys and values before you start to write. I'd go for the equivalent of UNION ALL, and I don't see any merging or conflict handling of features need to be done.

yaras-phoenix commented 4 years ago

Yeah that's still not supported as it brings up a lot of implementation questions like how to handle layer and feature merging / conflict handling.

Do I get it right? "Grouping feature" is created for rendering multiple provider layers on different zoom levels, so combining, say, two provider layers on a single zoom level is not possible?

ARolek commented 4 years ago

@yaras-phoenix that's correct. Tegola does not support merging data for the same layer at the same zoom from different providers.