go-spatial / tegola

Tegola is a Mapbox Vector Tile server written in Go
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error fetching geometry type for layer #320

Open pnorman opened 6 years ago

pnorman commented 6 years ago

With this config I get an error


name = "osm2pgsql"
type = "postgis"
host = "/var/run/postgresql" # Default for Debian-based distributions
port = 5432                     # postgis database port
database = "gis"        # postgis database name
user = "pnorman"
password = ""

  name = "water"
  id_fieldname = "osm_id"
  geometry_fieldname = "way"
  sql = """
      0::bigint AS osm_id,
      ST_AsBinary(way) AS way
    FROM ne_ocean
    WHERE way && !BBOX!
      0::bigint AS osm_id,
      ST_AsBinary(way) AS way
    FROM ne_lake
    WHERE way && !BBOX!

name = "bolder"

provider_layer = "osm2pgsql.water"
min_zoom = 0
max_zoom = 5
$ SQL_DEBUG=EXECUTE_SQL ./tegola_linux_amd64 serve
2018/02/22 17:02:44 config.go:161: Loading local config (config.toml)
2018/02/22 17:02:44 root.go:75: error fetching geometry type for layer (water): ERROR: UNION types text and bytea cannot be matched (SQLSTATE 42804)
pnorman commented 6 years ago

Or not.
pnorman commented 6 years ago

So the SQL I wrote has two calls of ST_AsBinary(way)

tegola issued this SQL to the server:

      0::bigint as osm_id,
      st_geometrytype(way) as way
    from ne_ocean
    where way && st_makeenvelope(-2.003750834e+07,2.003750834e+07,2.003750834e+07,-2.003750834e+07,3857)
  union all
      0::bigint as osm_id,
      st_asbinary(way) as way
    from ne_lake
    where way && st_makeenvelope(-2.003750834e+07,2.003750834e+07,2.003750834e+07,-2.003750834e+07,3857)
   LIMIT 1

Is Tegola trying to parse the SQL as text and modify it to issue a query?

gdey commented 6 years ago

Yes, it is trying to use regular expressions to do the !token! substitution, and for some of the feature discovery, it tries to modify the SQL. It's rudimentary right now, and I have plans to implement a more robust SQL parser to enable us to be more intelligent about these transforms.

gdey commented 6 years ago

@ARolek is better with the SQL type stuff. He will have a better understanding.

pnorman commented 6 years ago

Yes, it is trying to use regular expressions to do the !token! substitution, and for some of the feature discovery, it tries to modify the SQL. It's rudimentary right now, and I have plans to implement a more robust SQL parser to enable us to be more intelligent about these transforms.

My advice would be don't, because your SQL parser will not be robust. Wrapping a select statement to turn it into a subselect is safe, and that's only if you make sure to add a newline to end any comments. Almost nothing else is. !BBOX! is only safe because it has special semantics by agreement and is unlikely to appear in the query otherwise.

This particular bug isn't related to token substitution, but type detection. I have a longer comment coming that breaks down the problems in great detail (perhaps too great).

It might be worth pairing to go over postgis.go, because there are assumptions in it that real-world (e.g. osm-carto, new WMF style, Mapbox Streets, and others) complex layer definitions violate.

pnorman commented 6 years ago

Okay, I found the problem, and it's a regression since v0.3.2 when I last wrote some layers.


This is broken in a number of ways, which I'll try to explain.

  1. The query is called on the whole world. Many queries aren't designed to be run like that if they're for higher zooms. The LIMIT 1 doesn't help later. As a common example, consider

    st_asbinary(way) way
    FROM roads
    WHERE way && !BBOX!
    ORDER BY class

    This query would never be run at z0, but when run like this it select the entire table and orders it before returning one result.

    Changing to an LIMIT 0 like Mapnik does helps but doesn't solve the problem. When you have joins, CTEs, function calls, and other more complex SQL it becomes difficult to guarantee that a large number of rows won't be fetched and then thrown away. But at least it's okay in most situations.

    Investigate using POLYGON EMPTY instead of a normal bbox.

  2. SQL is case sensitive. Yes, in many cases it won't matter, but quoted identifiers are case sensitive. String literals will be mangled and if they're being cast, the query won't run.

There are other examples, and I'm sure there's lots I can't think of.

  1. st_asbinary is being replaced by st_geometrytype.

This is probably safe. Except that the query need not contain st_asbinary. Or it could be using st_asbinary in a different way in a subquery and it causes a parse error when you change a bytea to text.

  1. Only one replacement is done

This is the bug that was actually hit, but it could hit it a different way such as SQL like

-- tegola requires ST_AsBinary
    ST_AsBinary(way) AS way
  1. SQL is appended with a space before it

The last line could have a comment on it, and if the TOML was written to not include an endline, it'll comment out the LIMIT 1

  1. LIMIT 1 is used to look at a row.

As mentioned above, this can be a problem and LIMIT 0 is better, but it still has problems. As part of reducing data volume a query could contain another LIMIT clause, and two limit clauses is invalid.

If a LIMIT must be used, wrap the SQL in a subselect so it is guaranteed to be valid. Don't forget extra newlines to get out of any comments at the end of the statement.

  1. Only one row is looked at

Geometry type is on a per-row basis, not a per-table or per-statement one. Each row could have a different type. This common with road-related layers to get ordering right where there are multiple types.


  1. Change the strings.Replace call to replace everything. This should break less and fix the immediate regression.

  2. Don't use st_geometrytype. Get rid of st_asbinary and use the type of the column

  3. Don't make any assumptions about a layer having a geometry. They don't, unless stated by the user.

ARolek commented 6 years ago

I like some of the ideas here (reading the type of the column instead of the ST_AsGeometryType). This is also related to #275

ARolek commented 5 years ago

@pnorman you can work around this issue by setting the geometry_type for the provider layer. Additional details in the docs: https://tegola.io/documentation/configuration/#provider-layers