go-spatial / tegola

Tegola is a Mapbox Vector Tile server written in Go
MIT License
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custom provider query -> wrong/too much results #869

Open baststar opened 2 years ago

baststar commented 2 years ago

Hi, i have this layer configured:

    name = "admin_lines_level_8"
    geometry_fieldname = "geometry"
    id_fieldname = "osm_id"
    sql = "SELECT ST_AsBinary(geometry) AS geometry, osm_id, admin_level, name, type FROM osm_admin_areas WHERE admin_level = '8' AND geometry && !BBOX!"

with this map:

    name = "admin_lines_level_8"
    provider_layer = "osm.admin_lines_level_8"
    min_zoom = 14
    max_zoom = 18

and my provider-configuration:

    name = "osm"                         
    type = "postgis" 
    host = "postgres.default.svc" 
    port = 5432
    database = "osm" 
    user = "tegola"
    password = "xxx"
    srid = 3857

but instead of getting data only where admin_level = 8 i get also all other admin_levels (2, 4, 6, 9)

Am i doing this right or am i misunderstanding something?

Im using no cache at the moment

ARolek commented 2 years ago

Are the in levels integers or text in the database? Your query has '8' which indicates text. Double check the data type on the admin levels column.

Also, for the provider, take a look at mvt_postgis as you will see some great performance gains.

iwpnd commented 2 years ago

While you seem to be correct that admin level is type int, the expected outcome of using '8' would be 0 rows, and not all rows. 🤔

baststar commented 2 years ago

8 or '8' didn't do any difference. tried both. looks like its ignored completely. but syntax-errors in the query are not ignored (changes are recognized)

@ARolek i will look into mvt_postgis, thanks :)

ARolek commented 2 years ago

@baststar hmm, seems strange. One way to debug this is to turn on TEGOLA_SQL_DEBUG=EXECUTE_SQL per the docs: https://tegola.io/documentation/debugging/. This will show you what tegola is sending to PostGIS. You can then copy the query and execute it yourself directly against the database. I find this is a quicker way to debug.

baststar commented 2 years ago

where is the output of the logs? I'm using kubernetes, i think debugging is enabled? but the service doesnt output debug-infos and /var/log is empty in the tegola-pod


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: tegola
      app: tegola
      tier: frontend
    type: Recreate
        app: tegola
        tier: frontend
        - name: tegola
          image: gospatial/tegola:v0.15.2
          # image: registry.gitlab.com/bamdelicious/tegolamirror:latest
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - containerPort: 8080
              cpu: 2000m
              memory: 8Gi
              cpu: 2000m
              memory: 8Gi
            - name: TEGOLA_SQL_DEBUG
              value: LAYER_SQL:EXECUTE_SQL
            - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD
                  name: postgres-root-password
                  key: root-password
          - name: tegola-volume
            mountPath: /opt/tegola_config/config.toml
            subPath: config.toml
          command: ["/opt/tegola"]
          args: ["serve", "--config", "/opt/tegola_config/config.toml", "--log-level", "DEBUG"]
      - name: tegola-volume
          name: tegola-config
          - key: config.toml
            path: config.toml

EDIT 01.07.2022: Updated yaml so the logs work kubectl logs -f service/tegola

iwpnd commented 2 years ago

Start tegola with --log-level DEBUG from v0.15.0 upwards.

baststar commented 2 years ago

@iwpnd Thank you! That works. Now i see whats happening:

With only this single Layer

const adminLinesLayer = new VectorTileLayer({
            declutter: false,
            source: new VectorTileSource({
                minZoom: 14,
                maxZoom: 18,
                format: new MVT(),
                url: 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/maps/osm/admin_lines_level_8/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf?debug=true',

            style: myStyleFunction
        name = "admin_lines_level_8"
        geometry_fieldname = "geometry"
        id_fieldname = "osm_id"
        sql = "SELECT ST_AsBinary(geometry) AS geometry, osm_id, admin_level, name, type FROM osm_admin_areas WHERE admin_level = 8 AND geometry && !BBOX!"

        name = "admin_lines_level_8"
        provider_layer = "osm.admin_lines_level_8"
        min_zoom = 14
        max_zoom = 18

i got these logs:

2022-07-01 18:03:48 [DEBUG] postgis.go:817: TEGOLA_SQL_DEBUG:EXECUTE_SQL for layer (admin_lines_level_8): SELECT ST_AsBinary(geometry) AS geometry, osm_id, admin_level, name, type FROM osm_admin_areas WHERE admin_level = 8 AND geometry && ST_MakeEnvelope(1.049289305638693e+06,6.975910729933128e+06,1.0518117275717559e+06,6.978433151866188e+06,3857)
2022-07-01 18:03:48 [DEBUG] postgis.go:817: TEGOLA_SQL_DEBUG:EXECUTE_SQL for layer (admin_boundaries_13-20): SELECT ST_AsBinary(geometry) AS geometry, osm_id, admin_level, name, type FROM osm_admin_areas WHERE admin_level IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) AND geometry && ST_MakeEnvelope(1.049289305638693e+06,6.975910729933128e+06,1.0518117275717559e+06,6.978433151866188e+06,3857)

so there is a second query happenig...

it is this little (bad named) thing here:

        name = "admin_lines"
        provider_layer = "osm.admin_boundaries_13-20"
        min_zoom = 13
        max_zoom = 20


admin_lines_level_8 becomes "admin_lines" and "admin_lines_level_8" on the server

i renamed it to "adminlines8" and now i'm getting only admin-levels of 8!!

Thanks all!!


iwpnd commented 2 years ago


ARolek commented 2 years ago

@baststar did you figure out if that was OpenLayers or tegola mutating the name?

gdey commented 1 year ago

@baststar did you @ARolek question? Also, can we close this issue?

KoduIsGreat commented 3 months ago

@gdey @ARolek

Hi, I've spent 3-4 days running into this issue and its driving me insane, It happens when there are layers whose names are substrings of each other, and is caused by using strings.Contains on the layer name in FilterLayersByName in atlas/map.go

gdey commented 3 months ago

I'm not near my computer this week, I will look into it more when i get back. Could you create a small test case, this sounds like a bug on our side.

Thank you.

ARolek commented 3 months ago

@gdey he sent in a PR with a test case already #995

gdey commented 3 months ago

@gdey he sent in a PR with a test case already #995

Oh, sweet. I missed it. Disregard my comment.