go-task / task

A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go
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Add flag to output JSON info to be used by editor extensions, etc #764

Closed ssbarnea closed 1 year ago

ssbarnea commented 2 years ago

When integrating with other tools (like vscode extension, or when trying to script exporting tasks to github actions) we really want to avoid having to parse the free-form output, especially as this will likely change and break integration, even between minor versions.

If we would output as JSON, we can make the parsing far more reliable and less likely to break between versions, especially as if we add extra data, it would not render the original format obsolete.

Things to be included in JSON output:

andreynering commented 2 years ago

Hi @ssbarnea, thanks for opening an issue for this!

I'd love to get some help with this.

Regarding task status, we already have a --status flag that can be used to know that for a given task.

About the JSON output, I think I would not attach that to the --list flag, but instead have a flag specifically for this (--json?).

andreynering commented 2 years ago

Previous discussion: #753

ssbarnea commented 2 years ago

The effective command counts as an less important implementation detail, what I was mostly interested was to get an ack from the maintainer that this feature is desired to be included.

andreynering commented 2 years ago

@ssbarnea To be clear: yes, I see this as a very useful feature to support integrations (as code extensions, etc).

And I'm also open to have an official VSCode extension if we have enough people interested in maintaining that, as I said in the other discussion.

ilewin commented 2 years ago

I'd like to give it a go. And since I know TS I'll see if I can come up with an extension.

ssbarnea commented 2 years ago

@ilewin We already have an extension, we only need to make taskfile produce json, so it would more future proof.

ilewin commented 2 years ago

@ssbarnea Great! I'll do my best with JSON output then.

andreynering commented 2 years ago

As said on https://github.com/go-task/task/discussions/753, we actually have two extensions maintained by the community.

Once we have this JSON output working, perhaps we should have an official one to give it more tracking and avoid confusion on which one is preferred. For this, I'd like to have volunteers, though, as my plan is to focus my time on Task itself.

davidalpert commented 1 year ago

@ilewin are you working on this? if not I might give it a try...

davidalpert commented 1 year ago

draft changes available for review as #884

this PR so far only addresses the output of the --list and --list-all flags.

if it needs to also address all output from the Executor I can revisit.

4x0v7 commented 1 year ago

Just a side note, but since Taskfiles are just yaml, you can use yq to parse and get info from specific tasks. I see this as a big advantage over eg. Makefiles yq eval '.tasks.default.cmds[]' Taskfile.yaml

echo "{{.GREETING}}"

ssbarnea commented 1 year ago

I forgot that we already have a schema at https://json.schemastore.org/taskfile.json - maybe we would like to move it inside taskfile itself, to have it much easier to update. I did the same transition on 3 projects (ansible-lint, ansible-navigator and molecule) as I can extend/change schema atomic, no longer needing to remember to also update the schema after a change that affects it.

As a note, I do think that the output JSON should be compatible (very close) to config file, but it does not have to be the same config. I would expect that the JSON output would produce an exploded/rendered/resolved output, for example it should never have "includes". The idea is to return the in-memory representation of the config.

PS. I know how to validate a JSON using schema using Python and JavaScript/NPM.

andreynering commented 1 year ago

Hey @davidalpert, thanks for working on that. I plan to review your changes once possible.

@ssbarnea Having the ability to generate the schema automatically would be interesting. I just don't know how easy or viable that it.

It also makes sense what you said about the expected output being the resolved form and not the raw one (should have variables already interpolated, etc). Implementation-wise, if to get the best result we'd need to declare separated Go structs I think that's fine. Seems that @davidalpert used the existing schema initially. Once I have time to review more carefully I may have more insights about the implementation.

ssbarnea commented 1 year ago

Generating a schema dynamically would be overkill unless you are already using a loading library that supports this. On python world there is pydantic that can be used for that. Still, I am not using it and I "handcraft" them, which is perfect for any project that does not add/remove/change a lot of these.

Keep in mind that JSON Schemas are very good source of information, in fact they could be used to generate documentation. I plan to look deeply too, once I get less work, we have a release in two weeks, so after.

davidalpert commented 1 year ago

this is my first crack at contributing to this code base. feedback is very welcome. as well, feel free to throw it out and start again if a different direction is more appropriate.

davidalpert commented 1 year ago

a pattern I have used on other projects, adopted from the kubectl codebase if I recall, is to abstract the writing to STDOUT and introduce some helpers such that a client might request different --output formats (e.g. --output json or --output yaml

would that be of use to consider here also?

I see that task already has a --output flag with these options:

so would another related flag, like --output-format=json|yaml make sense?

I see the choice to format output as text|json|yaml is orthogonal to the existing output options, meaning that it applies to all output independent of the other --output choices. is that correct? or maybe chosing json format is in conflict with --output prefix as a prefix makes more sense as another custom tag in json output.

davidalpert commented 1 year ago

@andreynering if you are open to it we might schedule a zoom call to discuss the feature and align on a direction. I am happy to contribute effort but want to make sure that the usage semantics are what you expect before I drive too deep into implementation.

andreynering commented 1 year ago

I'll try to write some thoughts about the design, and joining the discussion from #884 into this issue.

I think this will be simple, and a call is not necessarily needed.

My proposal:

1) Yes, let's start with an MVP and we can expand later. That's a great idea to discuss the design first and improve later. 2) The existing --output flag is for a different purpose so I think we really need a new flag here. I think I'd keep --json 3) Let's add a new package/directory to hold this. Could be internal/editors (WIP name, open to ideas) 4) Let's have structs describing the JSON schema we want. Something like this:

struct Output {
  Tasks []Task `json:"tasks"`

struct Task {
  Name string `json:"name"`
  Desc string `json:"desc"`
  Summary string `json:"summary"`

  // "up-to-date" vs. "out-of-date"? Alternatively could be a "UpToDate bool"
  Status string `json:"status"`

  // These could be added on the future. Don't need to be on the MVP
  Env map[string]string `json:"env"`
  Vars map[string]string `json:"vars"`

5) And then a function to map this:

func ToOutput(tasks/etc) *Output {
  return &Output{
    // ...

5) Then on cmd/task/task.go it's a matter of getting this struct, convert to JSON and print (if --json was given). 6) Regarding filtering, there's a --filter flag in discussion: #878. So we shouldn't worry about this now, and in the future we will integration that into this feature as well. For now we can print all tasks.

@davidalpert Does this sound simple enough? If you have further questions and happen to prefer to discuss on Discord, we could have a channel for this as well.

And thanks again for your work on this 🙂

davidalpert commented 1 year ago

I will get started on this.

I do wonder if it would be useful to print task execution output as JSON also 🤔

andreynering commented 1 year ago

I don't think so. With --json we won't be executing the tasks, just outputting JSON information about the available tasks.

In theory we could also allow --output=json if that happens to be useful to extension maintainers, but let's push that to the future.

davidalpert commented 1 year ago

@andreynering here is a second draft; let me know if this is more aligned with your expectations.

3 unit tests are failing though when I printed out more context about each failure I wonder if the expectation that we print nothing to the console is correct.

in one case, for instance, that expectation appears to hide context from the following error:

task.multipleTasksWithAliasError{aliasName:"x", taskNames:[]string{"bar", "foo"}

in another that expectation seems to hide context from this error:

task.taskNotFoundError{taskName:"included:task-3", didYouMean:""}

In both cases we now print

task: No tasks with description available. Try --list-all to list all tasks

instead of an empty string but I'm thinking that those errors contain information which might be useful fo rather than an empty string or the "no tasks with description available" we might prefer something like

that alias was ambiguous; it may refer to the following tasks: "bar", "foo" 


task "included:task-3" was not found.

or if there are didYouMean suggestions in the error it could read

task "included:task-3" was not found; did you mean "included:task-300"?
andreynering commented 1 year ago

Hi @davidalpert!

Looks great to me! Feel free to ask me a review once it's ready (or close to it) so I can look in depth.

And you're right, improving these error messages would be nice. Feel free to postpone that to another PR if you prefer.

davidalpert commented 1 year ago

@andreynering ready for review.

I resolved the code suggestions and converted the additional debug info to some enriched error responses which made the tests happy.

andreynering commented 1 year ago

An initial version was just merged to master.

Contributions are welcome to add more fields to this output.