go-task / task

A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go
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dotenv not working at task level #997

Open DjinNO opened 1 year ago

DjinNO commented 1 year ago

dotenv file .env: VAR=test


version: "3"
silent: true
    dotenv: [".env"]
    - echo $VAR

Result: nothing

With global dotenv works good

Task version: master Operating System: Arch Linux

pd93 commented 1 year ago

I am not able to reproduce this. Also running Arch on master and your example works fine for me:

├── .env
└── Taskfile.yml
# .env
# Taskfile.yml
version: "3"
silent: true
    dotenv: [".env"]
    - echo $VAR


❯ task test                       

Are you sure your copy of master is up to date? I would recommend installing a release and trying again.

DjinNO commented 1 year ago

Interesting. I have go-task-bin-3.20.0-1, tried reinstalling, didn't help. At the same time, in a container with ubuntu - it works

endorama commented 1 year ago

Me and a colleague stumbled upon this issue today. Using the provided example we have been able to reproduce this issue on task v3.15.2 and v3.20.0 but not on v3.21.0.

pd93 commented 1 year ago

@endorama That's interesting.. I don't believe there were any changes in v3.21.0 that would effect this, so I'm not sure why you'd be able to repro in v3.20.0, but not latest. Are you able to provide a reproduceable sample for v3.20.0?

Otherwise, I might close this until someone is able to repro again since it isn't currently effecting anyone in the latest release.

pd93 commented 1 year ago

Closing this for now. If anyone is able to repro this, please feel free to leave a comment and we can reopen.

MattiasMartens commented 11 months ago

I have this exact issue on arm64, taskfile version 3.30.1.

local taskfile:

# https://taskfile.dev

version: "3"

dotenv: [".env"]

    dotenv: [".env"]
      - echo {{.MYVAR}}

Output: "foo". But comment out the top-level dotenv clause and "foo" does not print.

c-s-w commented 9 months ago

@pd93, I can reproduce this, too. I've tested it with latest build (v3.32.0) on Windows and Ubuntu. Only top-level dotenv is evaluated, on task-level it is ignored. Looking at the strace output, the .env file is even not read when set on the task-level.

pd93 commented 9 months ago

@c-s-w. I'm still unable to reproduce this (v3.32.0) on Linux. I used @MattiasMartens's example to test along with the following .env file:


Running task outputs:

task: [default] echo foo

If you can provide a sample Taskfile.yml and .env that repros the issue, then I will reopen.

c-s-w commented 9 months ago

@pd93 I'm testing it with these files: https://gist.github.com/c-s-w/7ae4e3c9b87e3e3735b05fd2a6aea542

pd93 commented 9 months ago

@andreynering What's the expected behaviour here? The docs do not mention that you should be able to use variables defined in a dotenv via the templating engine ({{.MYENVVAR}}) and this is what @c-s-w is saying does not work (I can repro this). Instead, the docs say you should use $MYENVVAR which is what the OP was reporting as not working - This does still work for me.

However, if I move the dotenv declartion in @c-s-w's example to the global level, the variable is available in the templating engine. This seems to be rather inconsistent and confusing.

c-s-w commented 9 months ago

@pd93 Having the variables available via the templating engine allows the usage of requires, which doesn't work with .e.g. $MYVAR.

andreynering commented 9 months ago

@pd93 I'd say that this is a bug. It should be available for templating, yes.

MattiasMartens commented 9 months ago

Here is a slightly more verbose repro of what I am now understanding is four different cases.

version: 3

# Un-comment the lines below for file-wide .env
# dotenv:
#   - .env

      # Task-specific .env
      - .env
      - "echo By template: {{.MY_VAR}}"
      - "echo By env: $MY_VAR"

Output on my machine (arm64, 3.32.0):

By template:
By env: foo

Output with file-wide .env un-commented:

By template: foo
By env: foo
tuwid commented 4 months ago

Same issue on mac on version Task version: v3.35.1 with a .env.development and .env.staging with similar contexts

version: '3'

silent: false
dotenv: ["./.env.{{.ENV}}"]

    desc: "Set the Kubernetes context based on the environment"
      - echo For env {{.ENV}} we got $AWS_REGION $CLUSTER_NAME $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
      - "kubectl config use-context arn:aws:eks:$AWS_REGION:$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:cluster/$CLUSTER_NAME"
      - "echo 'Using context: arn:aws:eks:$AWS_REGION:$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:cluster/$CLUSTER_NAME for environment: {{.ENV}}'"

getting the following

> task -v ENV=staging set-context
task: "set-context" started
task: [set-context] echo For env staging we got $AWS_REGION $CLUSTER_NAME $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
For env staging we got
aminya commented 4 months ago

Created a pull-request that fixes this issue: #1627

russellboley-uipath commented 1 month ago

I am running into this problem too. I'm not sure what a clean way is to have config be different for different environments. I like @tuwid 's approach, and it is what I wanted to do too, but doesn't seem to work still.

NicolasDesnoust commented 3 weeks ago

I am also encountering this problem. Until this is resolved, I am running my tasks on Windows using the following command:

$env:ENV='dev' ; task set-context
dmitry-mightydevops commented 2 weeks ago

Can this https://github.com/go-task/task/pull/1627 get merged? Running into the same issue