go-telegram / bot

Telegram Bot API Go framework
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update.EditedMessage is not work in b.RegisterHandlerMatchFunc #57

Closed pd5200 closed 5 months ago

pd5200 commented 5 months ago

package main

import ( "context" "fmt" "github.com/go-telegram/bot" "github.com/go-telegram/bot/models" "log" "os" "os/signal" )

// Send any text message to the bot after the bot has been started

func main() { ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt) defer cancel()

opts := []bot.Option{

b, err := bot.New("6xxxx", opts...)
if nil != err {
    // panics for the sake of simplicity.
    // you should handle this error properly in your code.

b.RegisterHandlerMatchFunc(matchFunc, helloHandler)
b.RegisterHandlerMatchFunc(matchFunc2, helloHandler2)



func matchFunc(update models.Update) bool { if update.Message == nil { return false } //time.Sleep(5 time.Second) fmt.Println("✅✅✅hello matchFunc1") return update.Message.Text == "hello" }

func matchFunc2(update models.Update) bool { fmt.Println("❇️❇️❇️❇️:matchFunc2", update.EditedMessage) if update.EditedMessage == nil { return false } //time.Sleep(5 time.Second) fmt.Println("❇️❇❇️❇hello matchFunc2") return true }

func helloHandler(ctx context.Context, b bot.Bot, update models.Update) { //time.Sleep(1 time.Second) log.Println("🔥hello handler:" + update.Message.Text) } func helloHandler2(ctx context.Context, b bot.Bot, update models.Update) { //time.Sleep(1 time.Second) log.Println("🔥🔥hello update.EditedMessage:", update.EditedMessage) } func defaultHandler(ctx context.Context, b bot.Bot, update models.Update) { log.Println("🌹 default handler", update.EditedMessage) }

/////////// it dont work

When I use this to edit a message that has already been sent, the helloHandler2 never triggers. Moving the code to defaultHandler can correctly print out the message, proving that it works. But why doesn't helloHandler2 work?

negasus commented 5 months ago

update.EditedMessage sent by Telegram server. While telegram server sent a message, exactly one field will be defined. update.Message / update.EditedMessage, but not both.

negasus commented 5 months ago

You edit original update.Message, but check update.EditedMessage in matchFunc2

pd5200 commented 5 months ago

but why it can work in func defaultHandler(ctx context.Context, b bot.Bot, update models.Update) { log.Println("🌹 default handler", update.EditedMessage) }

pd5200 commented 5 months ago
b.RegisterHandlerMatchFunc(handle.MatchfilterFunc(handle.IsPrivate, handle.IsCallbackQuery, handle.IsAuthAdmin), handle.CallbackQueryHandle(rCallback)) //no work
b.RegisterHandlerMatchFunc(handle.MatchfilterFunc(handle.IsPrivate, handle.IsReply, handle.IsAuthAdmin), handle.ReplyHandle(rReply))      //work
b.RegisterHandlerMatchFunc(handle.MatchfilterFunc(handle.IsPrivate, handle.IsNotReply, handle.IsAuthAdmin), handle.NotReplyHandle(rText)) //work
I do it like this.
pd5200 commented 5 months ago

If not using pointers, is it possible? Like this? It will work? var updates tgbotapi.UpdatesChannel = bot.GetUpdatesChan(u)