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Task editing UI continuously re-renders, causing high CPU usage and some UI issues #125

Open GottemHams opened 6 months ago

GottemHams commented 6 months ago


I'm not 100% sure if this is an issue with the Vikunja frontend itself or one of the frameworks it uses (I think it's Vue/Vite?), but it seems most appropriate to start here. I tried searching in all mentioned repositories for some parts of the JavaScript I've shown further below but nothing came up. The issue only seems to exist on Firefox and occurs even in safe mode (all addons disabled), although I've only tested with Chrome besides.

It looks like almost the entire UI is continuously being re-rendered when the edit task page is open, even without any interaction with any part of the UI. This happens regardless of the task UI being rendered in a modal (e.g. opening a task from the kanban view) or in its own separate page (e.g. from list view). Firefox's developer console highlights modified nodes with a yellow background, which as you can see are quite a lot of nodes.

The re-render happens fast enough that all those nodes are never not highlighted, which causes a major spike in CPU usage. When the task UI is in a modal and I close it, CPU usage immediately drops back down to sub 1% or even "idle", so it's not an issue with the page it was shown on.

It also causes some side effects with usability of the UI, particularly an opened select input which keeps resetting the selection to its current value (e.g. the task relation type input). This again happens very fast, it's nearly impossible to select the value you actually want. Unless you know exactly what you need and can use your keyboard to change the value while it has focus (but not opened). Here's a lil' screen recording. Text inputs seem unaffected at least.

Since even the document's root (<html>) is being modified, I decided to add a breakpoint on that tag for attribute modifications. It seems a certain attribute is continuously being added and removed, and due to the reactiveness of Vue/Vite it also re-renders a whole bunch of child components every time? First it showed me <html class="dark" q-has-scope5301926="" lang="en"> and 2 breakpoints later it becomes <html class="dark" q-has-scope5218981="" lang="en">. The JS code the debugger is breaking on:

var Be = 'q-has-scope' + (Math.floor(9000000 * Math.random()) + 1000000);
ze.setAttribute(Be, '');

// Then the breakpoint after that:
if (ze.removeAttribute(Be), Ve.length > 0) {

As I've mentioned in the starting paragraph: I tried searching for some key parts of this JS in Vue/Vite/Vikunja repos (hoping to find the unobfuscated source) and I couldn't find anything, hence why I'm not sure in what part of the chain this problem exists.

I created a new task on the demo site and I have the same issue there.

Vikunja Frontend Version


Vikunja API Version


Browser and version

Firefox ESR 115.6.0

Can you reproduce the bug on the Vikunja demo site?



No response

kolaente commented 6 months ago

I could not reproduce this in Firefox 121.0, not with the unstable build running on try or locally with a dev build. The tab uses < 0.5% cpu when inactive. Does the task you tested this with have any special attributes?

This sounds like an issue in Vue though. Not sure how to debug this.

GottemHams commented 6 months ago

The task doesn't have anything special, literally just creating a new empty task and viewing it is enough.

kolaente commented 6 months ago

Are you able to reproduce this with a newer firefox?

GottemHams commented 6 months ago

I'm on the newest version of Firefox's ESR branch. Haven't tried the regular branch though, can maybe do that tomorrow.

GottemHams commented 6 months ago

Alright, so it does seem to work fine on regular Firefox. ESR is officially supported by Mozilla though, and I have my reasons for not using "standard" Firefox in the first place. ;_;

I decided to try removing some elements to see if I could get it to stop re-rendering, then keep going further down the tree to find the actual offending elements. Turns out it's related to Tiptap and/or ProseMirror:

<div class="tiptap ProseMirror" tabindex="0" translate="no" contenteditable="false">
    <p data-placeholder="Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…" class="is-empty is-editor-empty">
        <br class="ProseMirror-trailingBreak">

The editor is being used twice on the task page, once for the task description and another is for adding a new comment. It was literally impossible to remove (or even simply expand) the <p> tag it contains as it seems to be continuously re-added, so it looks like the editor is continuously resetting its innerHTML for whatever reason. I tried entering only 1 character of text in both editors and the re-rendering stops. Both need to have something in them though, so unfortunately it's not as simple as "just enter a task description". The editor being focused (or not) also doesn't matter.

I went looking for some other pages with a rich text editor on them, and I found the project and team edit pages where there's an editor for their descriptions. These have the same issue and the same workaround also works there.

Does this help any? :>

kolaente commented 5 months ago

This sounds like a bug with the placeholder plugin. I'll take a look.

kolaente commented 5 months ago

Looks like it is not the placeholder. Using git bisect I was able to pin it down to tiptap (the new editor), but it looks like this is not something specific to Vikunja's configuration of it. Given this bug only exists in ESR and there's no obvious fix for this, let's put this on hold until there is a tiptap or Firefox ESR update.

GottemHams commented 5 months ago

Alright, just lemme know when you've updated Tiptap in Vikunja and I'll try again.