Open bwack opened 4 years ago
I verified #1 is a cut I made while desoldering the PCB
Thanks for looking at it. If I may ask, how did you overlay the images, as it looks like it made quick work of it.
No problem. Regarding the traces that seemed to be touching, when i zoomed in on the artwork from eagle (in the file), it looked like there was a trace going into the vias where they were very close. could be a optical/digital effect of low resolution.
I took the file, then changed color from white to yellow on the eagle-layouts layer, then changed layer mode to "Lighten" and opacity to about 50%. I have experience from reverseengineering the KU-motherboard and TheChessCart.
I added the 600 DPI artwork into the Paint.NET file and placed copies in the ref directory. I'll make the changes you note, as I was turning on/off the layer to do the check.
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