goGPS-Project / goGPS_MATLAB

goGPS MATLAB is an advanced GNSS observation processing software.
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ERROR: Receiver 1: eurc has not been pre-processed, PPP is not possible. #83

Closed Eb2010 closed 3 years ago

Eb2010 commented 3 years ago

Dear Dr. please I have two error messages while processing RINEX files, and I don't know what was wrong I did?

ERROR: Receiver 1: eurc has not been pre-processed, PPP is not possible ERROR: The requested atmospheric parameter have not been computed or stored

any help please?

clicat commented 3 years ago

That file is particularly bad, the code solution was failing. Try with the latest update. It should work now

Sent with GitHawk

Eb2010 commented 3 years ago

thanks, I will try now and let you know

clicat commented 3 years ago

No more news, I declare the issue closed...

Eb2010 commented 3 years ago

Hi, Unfortunately, the program doesn't work with me till now, although I processed different stations so, thanks for informing me

GABR, Ebtesam M.Sc Student / Teaching Assistant Radiophysics laboratory Physics Department, Faculty of Science University of New Brunswick Fredericton, NB. E3B 3V6 T: (506) 4407280 E: efarid@unb.ca

From: Andrea Gatti notifications@github.com Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 3:49 AM To: goGPS-Project/goGPS_MATLAB goGPS_MATLAB@noreply.github.com Cc: Ebtesam Gabr ebtesam.farid@unb.ca; Author author@noreply.github.com Subject: Re: [goGPS-Project/goGPS_MATLAB] ERROR: Receiver 1: eurc has not been pre-processed, PPP is not possible. (#83)

⚠ External message: Use caution.

No more news, I declare the issue closed...

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/goGPS-Project/goGPS_MATLAB/issues/83#issuecomment-686951125, or unsubscribehttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AN26OCYYX2VLUULBTCJCCNDSECEZJANCNFSM4PLENZMQ.

clicat commented 3 years ago

Ok I reopen the bug and I'll test it again, I remember that I was able to get a solution. Did you update the code? Do you receive the same error?

Eb2010 commented 3 years ago

yes, I update the code I'll update it again

do you have any idea, what's the problem, why I have such an error? or what should I do to fix this problem

clicat commented 3 years ago

I just tried to reprocess EURC0010.18o it's not the best dataset ever but it works. Please attach the full transcript of your error. If you can attach your config file so I can try to replicate your error on my computer!

Eb2010 commented 3 years ago

I can't attach the config file, so I take it a copy and paste here




goGPS config file

version = "1.0b7"




Location of the communication dir for parallel message passing interface

Absolute or relative to execution path

com_dir = "com"




Name of the project

prj_name = "Default PPP project"

Home of the project

prj_home = "../data/project/default_PPP"


Special Keywords that can be used in file names:

- ${WWWW} 4 char GPS week

- ${WWWWD} 4+1 char GPS week + day of the week

- ${D} 1 char day of the week

- ${3H} 2 char GPS hour (00, 03, 06, 09, 12, 15, 18, 21)

- ${6H} 2 char GPS hour (00, 06, 12, 18)

- ${HH} 2 char GPS hour

- ${QQ} 2 char GPS quarter of hour (00, 15, 30, 45)

- ${5M} 2 char GPS five minutes (05, 10, ... , 55)

- ${YYDOY} 2+3 char GPS year + day of year

- ${YYYY} 4 char GPS year

- ${YY} 2 char GPS year

- ${MM} 2 char GPS month

- ${DD} 2 char GPS day

- ${DOY} 3 char GPS day of the year

- ${S} 1 char session




"sss_" parameters define the session of observation, they are used

to substitute special keywords in file names

Working session - first data of observation to consider (yyyy-mm-dd )

mainly used to detect the name of the file to process

sss_date_start = "2017-04-08 00:00:00"

Working session - last data of observation to consider (yyyy-mm-dd )

sss_date_stop = "2017-04-09 23:59:59"

Id character sequence to be use for the session $(S) special keyword

(e.g. "01233456789ABCabc")

sss_id_list = "0"

First session id (char of sss_id_list)

sss_id_start = "0"

Last session id (char of sss_id_list)

sss_id_stop = "0"

Flag to base the sessions on the RINEX files

sss_file_based = 0

Session duration in seconds

sss_duration = 86400

Session buffer in second [left right]

sss_buffer = [10800 10800]

Computing the troposphere on multiple sessions (even with buffering)

could produce discontinuous series, at the change of session.

To produce a smooth solution, the session from the past can be

connected to the new one weightning the two buffered areas.

flag_smooth_tropo_out = 1 flag_separate_coo_at_boundary = 0




Directory containing the data (static)

obs_dir = "RINEX"

File name of the receivers (can contain special keywords)

obs_name = ["zimm${DOY}${S}.${YY}o" "zim2${DOY}${S}.${YY}o" "zimj${DOY}${S}.${YY}o"]

Directory of coordinates files

crd_dir = "station/CRD"

Name of coordinates (CRD) file

crd_name = "stations.crd"

Set the a-priori information on the motion of the receiver

rec_dyn_mode = 0

0: static

1: constant velocity

2: constant acceleration

3: variable (stop-go-stop)

Directory of meteorological data

met_dir = "station/MET"

Meteorological file (when found it will be used)

met_name = ["zim2${DOY}${S}.${YY}m" "zimj${DOY}${S}.${YY}m" "zimm${DOY}${S}.${YY}m"]

Directory of ocean loading files

ocean_dir = "station/ocean"

Name of ocean loading file (when found it will be used)

ocean_name = "ocean_loading.blq"




List of the computeation center to be used for ephemeris retrival

Every product is searched locally, when not found is downloaded

When the file is not found, the system fall back on the next available

The config file "remote_resource.ini" of the products is stored in:

=> "main goGPS folder"

Try to download missing resources from the net (0 / 1)

flag_download = 1

Preferred ephemeris type,

accepted values: "final" "rapid" "ultra" "broadcast"

preferred_eph = ["final" "rapid" "ultra"]

Preferred ionospheric type,

accepted values: "final" "predicted1" "predicted2" "broadcast"

preferred_iono = ["final" "predicted1" "predicted2" "broadcast"]

SELECTED computational center (e.g. default, igs_glo, igs_gps, code, code_mgex, gfz, jaxa

selected_center = ["default"]




Directory of Earth rotation/orientation parameters (ERP) files

erp_dir = "../../reference/ERP/${YYYY}"

Directory of International Geomagnetic Reference Frame (IGRF) files

igrf_dir = "../../reference/IGRF"

Name of IGRF file

igrf_name = "igrf12coeff.txt"

Directory of Geoid files

geoid_dir = "../../reference/geoid"

Filename in Geoid dir containing the map of ondulation of the geoid

geoid_name = "geoid_EGM2008_05.mat"

Directory of Ionospheric Models files

iono_dir = "../../reference/IONO/${YYYY}"

Directory of Atmospheric Loading Models files

atm_load_dir = "../../reference/ATM_LOAD/${YYYY}"

Directory of VMF Coeficents

vmf_dir = "../../reference/VMF/${YYYY}"




Directory of Ephemeris files

eph_dir = "../../satellite/EPH/${WWWW}"

Directory of clock offset files

clk_dir = "../../satellite/CLK/${WWWW}"

Directory of CRX files (containing satellite problems)

crx_dir = "../../satellite/CRX"

Directory of DCB files (Differential Code Biases)

dcb_dir = "../../satellite/DCB"

Directory of EMS files (EGNOS Message Server).

ems_dir = "../../satellite/SBAS/EMS"




Directory of PCO - PCV antex (ATX) files

atx_dir = "antenna/ATX"

PCO - PCV antex (ATX) file

atx_name = "I14.ATX"




Directory of Zernike multipath coefficients (MP) files

mp_dir = ""

goGPS manages different kind of multipath maps

these are the parameters of the map to be generated by the command MPEST

Resolution of the grids must be perfect divisor of 180

n and m are expressed in degree

Regular grid size n x m, set [n m] to zero to avoid its computation

mp_regular_nxm = [1 1]

Regular grid size n x m, upscaled at 0.5 x 0.5, set [n m] to zero to avoid its computation

mp_regular_up_nxm = [1 1]

Congruent grid size n x m, set [n m] to zero to avoid its computation

This is the minimum dimension of the cell, increasing the elevation congruent cells have larger azimuth

mp_congruent_nxm = [2 1]

Congruent grid size n x m, upscaled at 0.5 x 0.5, set [n m] to zero to avoid its computation

This is the minimum dimension of the cell, increasing the elevation congruent cells have larger azimuth

mp_congruent_up_nxm = [2 1]

Max degree for the Zernike smoothed maps

the 3 values represent the map for: low elevation, mid elevation, high elevation

If the maximum degree is a small value e.g. 9 setting [9 0 0] will be sufficients

Note the 3 zernike maps will be summed togeter to form one final smoothed map

Set to 0 to avoid computation of the zernike smoothed map

see the wiki on gogps-project.github.io

mp_l_max = [43 43 31]

Zernike plus congruent map. Congruent grid size n x m, upscaled at 0.5 x 0.5, set [n m] to zero to avoid its computation

mp_zcongruent_up_nxm = [2 1]

Minimum number of point per cell to consider the cell valid

mp_n_min = 3




Base dir that is going to store the ouput data files

out_dir = "out"

Prefix ("name") to add to the output (can contain special keywords / subfolders)

out_prefix = "zimmPPP${YYYY}_${DOY}/zimm_PPP"




Results to be keep in the "out" object stored in rec

Rate of the exported tropospheric parameters, this should be a multiplier of the processing rate

0 uses the rate of the data

trp_out_rate = 0

Keep Dt

flag_out_dt = 1

Keep PWV

flag_out_pwv = 1

Keep ZWD

flag_out_zwd = 1

Keep ZTD

flag_out_ztd = 1

Keep tropospheric gradientents

flag_out_tropo_g = 1

Keep a-priori troposphere

flag_out_apr_tropo = 1

Keep pressure / temperature / humidity

flag_out_pth = 1

Keep satellite outlier flags and cycle slips

flag_out_ocs = 1

Keep satellite quality (snr)

flag_out_quality = 1

Keep number of satellites per epoch

flag_out_nspe = 1

Keep satellite azimuth and elevation

flag_out_azel = 1

Keep combined residuals

flag_out_res_co = 1

Keep uncombined code residuals

flag_out_res_pr = 1

Keep uncombined phase residuals

flag_out_res_ph = 1

Keep satellite mapping functions (wet / hydrostatic)

flag_out_mf = 1




Default STD of code observations [m]

std_code = 3

Default STD of phase observations [m]

std_phase = 0.003

Default STD of iono-free phase observations [m

std_phase_if = 0.009

Default STD of a priori receiver clock

sigma0_clock = 4.47e-09

Default STD of receiver clock

sigma0_r_clock = 31




Constallations for the processing:

GPS satellite system

GPS_is_active = 1

Frequencies to be used when this constellation is active

GPS_L1 = 1 GPS_L2 = 1 GPS_L5 = 0

GLONASS satellite system

GLO_is_active = 0

Frequencies to be used when this constellation is active

GLO_G1 = 0 GLO_G2 = 0 GLO_G3 = 0

Galileo satellite system

GAL_is_active = 0

Frequencies to be used when this constellation is active

GAL_E1 = 0 GAL_E5a = 0 GAL_E5b = 0 GAL_E5 = 0 GAL_E6 = 0

QZSS satellite system

QZS_is_active = 0

Frequencies to be used when this constellation is active

QZS_L1 = 0 QZS_L2 = 0 QZS_L5 = 0 QZS_LEX6 = 0

BeiDou satellite system

BDS_is_active = 0

Frequencies to be used when this constellation is active

BDS_B1 = 0 BDS_B2 = 0 BDS_B3 = 0

IRNSS satellite system

IRN_is_active = 0

Frequencies to be used when this constellation is active

IRN_L5 = 0 IRN_S = 0

SBAS satellite system

SBS_is_active = 0

Frequencies to be used when this constellation is active

SBS_L1 = 0 SBS_L5 = 0

Minimum number of satellite per epoch

min_n_sat = 2

Cut-off [degrees]

cut_off = 7

Signal-to-noise ratio absolute threshold [dB]

abs_snr_thr = 0

Signal-to-noise ratio scaled threshold [dB]

scaling is performet with respect to the code error level of the first frequency/tracking (usually 1C)

scaled_snr_thr = 0

Minimum length an arc (a satellite to be used must be seen for a number of

consecutive epochs equal or greater than this value)

min_arc = 10

Enable outlier detection (0/1)

flag_outlier = 1

Threshold on code LS estimation error [m]

pp_spp_thr = 5

Threshold on maximum (pre-processing) residual of code obs [m]

pp_max_code_err_thr = 40

Threshold on maximum residual of code obs [m]

max_code_err_thr = 10

Threshold on maximum residual of phase obs [m]

max_phase_err_thr = 0.1




Enable cycle slip repair (0/1) Experimental

flag_repair = 0

Enable phase trackings combination

flag_combine_trk = 1

Processing using weighting mode:

w_mode = 1

1: uniform

2: sat elevation (sin) dependent

3: square of sat elevation (sin^2) dependent

PPP processing using reweight/snooping mode:

ppp_reweight_mode = 9

1: none

2: re-weight Huber

3: re-weight Huber (no threshold)

4: re-weight Danish

5: re-weight DanishWM

6: re-weight Tukey

7: simple snooping

8: smart snooping

9: smart snooping + arc trim

Enable PPP on single frequency receiver

This should be used only when REMIONO or a good iono model is provided

flag_ppp_force_single_freq = 0

PPP enable ambiguity fixing

flag_ppp_amb_fix = 0

NET processing using reweight/snooping mode:

net_reweight_mode = 2

1: none

2: simple 4 loops

3: 4 loops + remove bad satellites

Enable ambiguity fixing

net_amb_fix_approach = 2

1: none

2: lambda search and shrink

3: lambda integer bootstrapping

4: lambda partial

5: bayesian

6: bayesian BIE

7: Sequential best integer equivariant

Allow ambiguity passing from one session to the following (experimental)

flag_amb_pass = 0

Enable corrections

Enable re-alignment of satellite clocks (to compensate for discontinuities at the limits of validity)

flag_clock_align = 0

Enable solid earth tide corrections

flag_solid_earth = 1

Enable pole tide corrections

flag_pole_tide = 1

Enable phase wind up corrections

flag_phase_wind = 1

Enable Shapiro delay corrections

flag_shapiro = 1

Enable ocean loading corrections

flag_ocean_load = 1

Enable atmospheric loading corrections

flag_atm_load = 1

Enable high order ionospheric and bending corrections

flag_hoi = 1

Enable receiver pcv corrections

flag_rec_pcv = 1

Enable receiver Zernike based multipath corrections

flag_rec_mp = 0

0: No multipath management

1: Multipath Zernike interpolated maps

2: (1) + stacking maps with congruent cells

3: Stacking map with cells [5 x 1]

4: Stacking map with congruent cells [5 x 1]

5: Stacking map with cells [1 x 1]

6: Stacking map with congruent cells [1 x 1]

Enable a-priori

flag_apr_iono = 1

Separate the antenna phase center for each constellations

Estimate additional coordinates set

flag_coo_rate = 0

Rate of the additional coordiates

coo_rates = [0 0 0]




Management of ionosphere

iono_management = 1

1: Iono free

2: smoothed geometry free re-applyed to observables

3: external model

Ionospheric model

iono_model = 3

1: no model

2: Klobuchar model


Compute tropospheric indicators (e.g. ZTD):

flag_free_net_tropo = 0

A-priori zenith delay model

zd_model = 2

1: Saastamoinen model

2: Vienna Mapping Function gridded

Mapping function

mapping_function = 2

1: Global Mapping Function

2: Vienna Mapping Function gridded

3: Niell Mapping Function

mapping_function_gradient = 1

1: Chen and Herring

2: MacMillan

Meteo data

meteo_data = 2

1: standard atmosphere

2: Global Pressure Temperature Model

3: MET file




Spatial regularization tropo [m^2] (default = 0)

tropo_spatial_reg_sigma = 1e-07

Spatial regularization tropo halving distance [m] (default = 25000)

tropo_spatial_reg_d_distance = 25000

Spatial regularization tropo gradient [m^2] (default = 0)

tropo_gradient_spatial_reg_sigma = 1e-07

Spatial regularization tropo gradient halving distance [m] (default = 25000)

tropo_gradient_spatial_reg_d_distance = 25000


[---- U2 PARAMETRIZATION --------------------------------------------------]


Estimates coordinates in PPP

flag_coo_ppp = 1

Estimates coordinates in network

flag_coo_net = 1

Time parametrization coordinates PPP

tparam_coo_ppp = 1

Time parametrization coordimates network

tparam_coo_net = 1

Frequency paramterization coordinates PPP

fparam_coo_ppp = 3

Frequency paramterization coordinates network

fparam_coo_net = 3

Rate coordinates PPP

rate_coo_ppp = 0

Rate coordinates network

rate_coo_net = 0

absolute regularization PPP [m] (Hor Vert)

areg_coo_ppp = [-1 -1]

absolute regularization network [m] (Hor Vert)

areg_coo_net = [-1 -1]

Differential regularization PPP [m/h^0.5] (Hor Vert)

dreg_coo_ppp = [-1 -1]

Differential regularization network [m/h^0.5] (Hor Vert)

dreg_coo_net = [-1 -1]

Free network coordinates

flag_free_net_coo = 0

Estimate ZTD PPP

flag_ztd_ppp = 1

Estimate ZTD network

flag_ztd_net = 1

Time parametrization ZTD PPP

tparam_ztd_ppp = 1

Time parametrization ZTD network

tparam_ztd_net = 1


rate_ztd_ppp = 900

Rate ZTD network

rate_ztd_net = 900

Absolute regularization ZTD PPP [m]

areg_ztd_ppp = 0.5

Absolute regularization ZTD network [m]

areg_ztd_net = 0.5

Differential regularization ZTD PPP [m/h^0.5]

dreg_ztd_ppp = 0.0015

Differential regularization ZTD network [m/h^0.5]

dreg_ztd_net = 0.0015

Estimates ZTD gradients in PPP

flag_grad_ppp = 1

Estimates ZTD gradients in network

flag_grad_net = 1

Time paramterization ZTD gradients in PPP

tparam_grad_ppp = 1

Time paramterization ZTD gradients in network

tparam_grad_net = 1

Rate ZTD gardients in PPP

rate_grad_ppp = 1800

Rate ZTD gradients in network

rate_grad_net = 1800

Absolute regularization ZTD gradient PPP [m]

areg_grad_ppp = 0.02

Absolute regularization ZTD gradient network [m]

areg_grad_net = 0.02

Differential regularization ZTD gradient PPP [m/h^0.5]

dreg_grad_ppp = 0.0002

Differential regularization ZTD gradient network [m/h^0.5]

dreg_grad_net = 0.0002

Free network for tropo paramters

flag_free_net_tropo = 0

Estimates ionosphere in PPP

flag_iono_ppp = 1

Estimates ionosphere in network

flag_iono_net = 1

Estimate receiver clock error in PPP

flag_rec_clock_ppp = 1

Estimate receiver clock error in network

flag_rec_clock_net = 1

Estimate separate reciever clock per phase and pseudorange in PPP

flag_phpr_rec_clock_ppp = 1

Estimate separate reciever clock per phase and pseudorange in network

flag_phpr_rec_clock_net = 1

Aboslute regularization reciever clock in PPP [m]

areg_rec_clock_ppp = -1

Aboslute regularization reciever clock in network [m]

areg_rec_clock_net = -1

Differential regularization receiver clock in PPP [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_rec_clock_ppp = 1e+30

Differential regularization receiver clock in network [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_rec_clock_net = 1e+30

Estimate satellite clock error in PPP

flag_sat_clock_ppp = 1

Estimate satellite clock error in network

flag_sat_clock_net = 1

Estimate separate satellite clock per phase and pseudorange in PPP

flag_phpr_sat_clock_ppp = 1

Estimate separate satellite clock per phase and pseudorange in network

flag_phpr_sat_clock_net = 1

Absolute regularization satellite clock in PPP [m]

areg_sat_clock_ppp = -1

Absolute regularization satellite clock in network [m]

areg_sat_clock_net = -1

Differential regularization satellite clock in PPP [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_sat_clock_ppp = -1

Differential regularization satellite clock in network [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_sat_clock_net = 1e+30

Estimate receiver interfrequency bias in PPP

flag_rec_ifbias_ppp = 0

Estimate receiver interfrequency bias in network

flag_rec_ifbias_net = 0

Time paramterization receiver interfrequency bias in PPP

tparam_rec_ifbias_ppp = 6

Time paramterization receiver interfrequency bias in network

tparam_rec_ifbias_net = 6

Rate receiver interfrequency bias in PPP

rate_rec_ifbias_ppp = 3600

Rate receiver interfrequency bias in network

rate_rec_ifbias_net = 3600

Absolute regularization receiver interfrequency bias in PPP [m]

areg_rec_ifbias_ppp = -1

Absolute regularization receiver interfrequency bias in network [m]

areg_rec_ifbias_net = -1

Differential regularization receiver interfrequency bias in PPP [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_rec_ifbias_ppp = -1

Differential regularization receiver interfrequency bias in network [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_rec_ifbias_net = -1

Estimate satellite interfrequency bias in PPP

flag_sat_ifbias_ppp = 1

Estimate satellite interfrequency bias in network

flag_sat_ifbias_net = 1

Time paramterization satellite interfrequency bias in PPP

tparam_sat_ifbias_ppp = 6

Time paramterization satellite interfrequency bias in network

tparam_sat_ifbias_net = 6

Rate satellite interfrequency bias in PPP

rate_sat_ifbias_ppp = 3600

Rate satellite interfrequency bias in network

rate_sat_ifbias_net = 3600

Absolute regularization satellite interfrequency bias in PPP [m]

areg_sat_ifbias_ppp = -1

Absolute regularization satellite interfrequency bias in network [m]

areg_sat_ifbias_net = -1

Differential regularization satellite interfrequency bias in PPP [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_sat_ifbias_ppp = -1

Differential regularization satellite interfrequency bias in network [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_sat_ifbias_net = -1

Estimate receiver intertracking bias in PPP

flag_rec_trkbias_ppp = 1

Estimate receiver intertracking bias in network

flag_rec_trkbias_net = 1

Time paramterization receiver intertracking bias in PPP

tparam_rec_trkbias_ppp = 1

Time paramterization receiver intertracking bias in network

tparam_rec_trkbias_net = 1

Rate receiver intertracking bias in PPP

rate_rec_trkbias_ppp = 0

Rate receiver intertracking bias in network

rate_rec_trkbias_net = 0

Absolute regularization receiver intertracking bias in PPP [m]

areg_rec_trkbias_ppp = -1

Absolute regularization receiver intertracking bias in network [m]

areg_rec_trkbias_net = -1

Differential regularization receiver intertracking bias in PPP [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_rec_trkbias_ppp = -1

Differential regularization receiver intertracking bias in network [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_rec_trkbias_net = -1

Estimate satellite intertracking bias in PPP

flag_sat_trkbias_ppp = 1

Estimate satellite intertracking bias in network

flag_sat_trkbias_net = 1

Time paramterization satellite intertracking bias in PPP

tparam_sat_trkbias_ppp = 1

Time paramterization satellite intertracking bias in network

tparam_sat_trkbias_net = 1

Rate satellite intertracking bias in PPP

rate_sat_trkbias_ppp = 0

Rate satellite intertracking bias in network

rate_sat_trkbias_net = 0

Absolute regularization satellite intertracking bias in PPP [m]

areg_sat_trkbias_ppp = -1

Absolute regularization satellite intertracking bias in network [m]

areg_sat_trkbias_net = -1

Differential regularization satellite intertracking bias in PPP [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_sat_trkbias_ppp = -1

Differential regularization satellite intertracking bias in network [m/sqrt(h)]

dreg_sat_trkbias_net = -1


[---- UNDOCUMENTED--------------------------------------------------]


sreg_iono_p2_net = -1 sreg_iono_p1_net = -1 flag_sreg_iono_net = 0 sreg_iono_p2_ppp = -1 sreg_iono_p1_ppp = -1 flag_sreg_iono_ppp = 0 sreg_grad_p2_net = -1 sreg_grad_p1_net = -1 flag_sreg_grad_net = 0 sreg_ztd_p2_net = -1 sreg_ztd_p1_net = -1 flag_sreg_ztd_net = 0 sreg_grad_p2_ppp = -1 sreg_grad_p1_ppp = -1 flag_sreg_grad_ppp = 0 sreg_ztd_p2_ppp = -1 sreg_ztd_p1_ppp = -1 flag_sreg_ztd_ppp = 0




goGPS command list

NOTE: All the commands will be executed for each session

Accepted commands:
































NOTE: "T" refers to Target receiver

"R" refers to Reference receiver

"P" refers to "Passed" receiver

- Receivers can be identified with their id number (as defined in "obs_name")

- It is possible to select multiple receivers (e.g. T* or T1:4 or T1,3:5)

- "END" can be used to select some Receivers / Sessions (e.g T1,3:END)

- Whitin a FOR T loop "$" identify the current receiver in the execution


Commands description:


- SET Change the value of a parameter


"param = value" update to the parameter


- PINIT Parallel init => r n slaves


-n= minimum number of parallel slaves to request


- PKILL Parallel kill all the slaves


- LOAD Import the RINEX file linked with this receiver

Admissible receivers: T


-s= Active constellations (e.g. -s=GRE)

@ Processing rate in seconds (e.g. @30s, -r=30s)


- RENAME Rename a receiver (change marker name)

WARNING: Every load will reset this name

Useful for final plots

Admissible receivers: T


NAME Marker name


- EMPTY Empty the entire receiver

Admissible receivers: T


- EMPTYWORK Empty the receiver work space object

Admissible receivers: T


- EMPTYOUT Empty the receiver output object

Admissible receivers: T


- AZEL Compute Azimuth and elevation

Admissible receivers: T


- BASICPP Basic Point positioning with no correction

Admissible receivers: T


-s= Active constellations (e.g. -s=GRE)


- PREPRO Code positioning, computation of satellite positions and various


Admissible receivers: T


-s= Active constellations (e.g. -s=GRE)


- OUTDET Force outlier and cycle slip detection

Admissible receivers: T


- FIXPOS Fix position

Admissible receivers: T


FROM_WORK (flag) use data from Work Space (current session)

FROM_OUT (flag) use data from Receiver Output object

AS_APR (flag) use position as a new a-priori position (not as fixed)


- CODEPP Code positioning

Admissible receivers: T


-s= Active constellations (e.g. -s=GRE)


- PPP Precise Point Positioning using carrier phase observations

Admissible receivers: T


-s= Active constellations (e.g. -s=GRE)

-u (flag) use the uncombined engine


- NET Network solution using undifferenced carrier phase observations

Admissible receivers: T, R


@ Processing rate in seconds (e.g. @30s, -r=30s)

-s= Active constellations (e.g. -s=GRE)

L Band to be used for single frequency adjustment

--free Let the network free

COO_CRD Coordinates .CRD file

--clk Export common Parameter in network

-u (flag) use the uncombined engine


- SEID Generate a Synthesised L2 on a target receiver

using n (dual frequencies) reference stations

SEID (Satellite specific Epoch differenced Ionospheric Delay model)

Admissible receivers: R, T


PLANE (flag) use a plane for the interpolation of the geometry free


- SID Generate a Synthesised L2 on a target receiver

using n (dual frequencies) reference stations

SID (Satellite specific Ionospheric Delay model)

New SEID approch based on a joint Least Squares estimation instead of time differenciation

Admissible receivers: R, T


- REMIONO Remove ionosphere from observations on a target receiver

using n (dual frequencies) reference stations

Sligthly different approach w.r.t. SEID

(Experimental approach - under testing)

Admissible receivers: R, T


- MPEST Create a multipath model for the receiver.

It requires to previously process the target with the uncombined engine.

Uncombined residuals must be in the receiver

Admissible receivers: T


- KEEP Keep in the object the data of a certain constallation

at a certain rate

Admissible receivers: T


@ Processing rate in seconds (e.g. @30s, -r=30s)

-s= Active constellations (e.g. -s=GRE)

-e= Cut-off elevation in degree (e.g. -e=7)

-q= SNR threshold in dbHZ on L1 (e.g. -q=7)


- SYNC Syncronize all the receivers at the same rate

(with the minimal data span)

Admissible receivers: T


@ Processing rate in seconds (e.g. @30s, -r=30s)


- SHOW Display various plots / images

Admissible receivers: T


-s= Active constellations (e.g. -s=GRE)

-e=<"name"> Export with name_postfix

-c Close figure after export (valid only if export is present)

MAP Map of station coordinates (Google Maps Background)

L_MAP Legacy map of station coordinates (Google Maps background)

G_MAP Map of station coordinates (Google Maps Background)

DTM_MAP Map of station coordinates (DTM background)

G_MAP_R Map of station coordinates (Google Maps Background) + RAOB

DTM_MAP_R Map of station coordinates (DTM background) + RAOB

DA Data Availability

ENU East Nord Up positions

PUP Planar Up positions

ENUBSL East Nord Up baseline

-c= Modifier: change coordinate type (0 coordinates of the sessions, 1 first additional coordinates, 2 second additional coordinates, 3 third additional coordinates)

PUPBSL Planar Up baseline

XYZ XYZ Earth Fixed Earth centered positions

CKW Clock errors of the last session

CK Clock errors

MP Show multipath map (1: Zernike, 2: Zernike + res, 3: gridded, 4: congruent cell grid, 5: gridded 1x1, 6: congruent cell grid 1x1)

SNR Signal to Noise Ratio (polar plot)

SNRI Signal to Noise Ratio (polar plot, interpolated map)

OSTAT Observation stats (last session)

PSTAT Processing stats (multi-session)

OCS Outliers and cycle slips

OCSP Outliers and cycle slips (polar plot)

RES_(O|W)_PR Residual plot

RES_(O|W)_PH Residual plot

RES_(O|W)_PR_STAT Output | Work-Space combined pseudo-range residuals

RES_(O|W)_PH_STAT Output | Work-Space combined phase residuals

RES_(O|W)_PR_SKY Residual sky plot

RES_(O|W)_PH_SKY Residual sky plot

RES_(O|W)_PR_SKYP Residual sky plot

RES_(O|W)_PH_SKYP Residual sky plot

PTH Pressure / Temperature / Humidity

NSAT Number of satellite used (multi-receiver)

NSATSS Number of satellite used (sys by sys)

NSATSSS Smoothed number of satellite used (sys by sys)

ZTD Zenith Total Delay

ZTD_VSH Zenith Total Delay vs Height

ZHD Zenith Hydrostatic Delay

ZWD Zenith Wet Delay

ZWD_VSH Zenith Wet Delay vs Height

PWV Precipitable Water Vapour

STD Zenith Total Delay with slants

RES_STD Slants Total Delay residuals (polar plot)

TGRAD Tropospheric gradients table


- VALIDATE Validate estimated parameter with external data

Admissible receivers: T


-e=<"name"> Export with name_postfix

-c Close figure after export (valid only if export is present)

IGS Use IGS results for validation

IGS_ZTD Use IGS results for ZTD validation

RAOB Use RAOB for ZTD validation


- EXPORT Export

Admissible receivers: T


CORE_MAT Save the core as .mat file

PLAIN_MAT Save the receiver as plain .mat files (no objects)

REC_MAT Receiver object as .mat file

REC_RIN Rinex file containing the actual data stored in rec.work

MP Export the multipath maps stored in the GNSS_Station object.

COO_CRD Coordinates .CRD file

XYZ_TXT Coordinates XYZ in plain text format

ENU_TXT Coordinates local ENU in plain text format

GEO_TXT Coordinates Geodetic in plain text format

TRP_SNX Tropo parameters as SINEX file

TRP_MAT Tropo parameters as .mat file

TRP_CSV Tropo parameters as .csv file

TRP_HN Tropo parameters as a HydroNet (CSV like) file


- PUSHOUT Push results in output

when used it disables automatic push

Admissible receivers: T


@ Processing rate in seconds (e.g. @30s, -r=30s)


- REMSAT Remove satellites, format: <1ch sat. sys. (GREJCI)><2ch sat. prn>

e.g. REMSAT T1 G04,G29,J04

Admissible receivers: T


- REMOBS Remove observation, format: <1ch obs. type (CPDS)><1ch freq><1ch tracking>

e.g. REMOBS T1 D,S2,L2C

Admissible receivers: T


- REMTMP Remove data used during computation but no more necessary to push the results out

Admissible receivers: T


- FOR For session loop start

Admissible session parameters: S, T


- PAR Parallel section start (run on targets)

use T$ as target in this section

Admissible session parameters: S, T, P


- END For loop end or Parallel section end


cmd_001 = "FOR S" cmd_002 = "FOR T" cmd_003 = "LOAD T$" cmd_004 = "REMSAT T$ G08" cmd_005 = "PREPRO T$" cmd_006 = "PPP T$" cmd_007 = "END" cmd_008 = "PUSHOUT T" cmd_009 = "END" cmd_010 = "SHOW T ZWD" cmd_011 = "EXPORT T* TRP_SNX"