goGPS-Project / goGPS_MATLAB

goGPS MATLAB is an advanced GNSS observation processing software.
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problem in launching goGPS from crontab #98

Closed lbenvenuto91 closed 3 years ago

lbenvenuto91 commented 3 years ago


I'm using goGPS to calculate ZTD from a small GNSS receivers network. I wrote a python script as I want to calculate ZTD every day automatically. This python script, and goGPS are in an Ubuntu server 18.04. As I manually excecute my script everything is fine and goGPS can finish the elaboration. The problems come when I run the script (and so also goGPS from crontab). I can't actually understand the problem but it seems that aria2c is not able to download all necessary files when it's run from crontab. I don't understand the reason why? Any ideas?

The line in the /etc/crontab file is the following:

34 17 * gter /usr/bin/python3 /home/gter/REPOSITORY/concerteaux/concerteaux_gnss/elabora_dati_gnss.py > /tmp/elaborazione_dati_gnss_ce.log 2>&1

The goGPS version is the v 1.0b8 and the Matlab version is the R2020a In the elabora_dati_gnss.py script, apart from other commands, the command goGPS( inifile',0) is launched. I attach the logs of the elaborations from crontab and from comand line. goGPS_run_ZTD_elaborations_20210217_090008_crontab.log goGPS_run_ZTD_elaborations_20210219_172932_command_line.log

ege010 commented 3 years ago

Replied by email.

rmarzocchi84 commented 3 years ago

If useful the problem is clear. Running the software from crontab "aria2c" command line application doesn't work properly.

   aria2c -c -i ./reserved/tmpAriaDownload.lst -d /home/gter/REPOSITORY/goGPS_MATLAB_git/data/satellite/EPH/2151
   File download list:

04/02 17:47:10 [NOTICE] Downloading 2 item(s)
gzip: /home/gter/REPOSITORY/goGPS_MATLAB_git/data/satellite/EPH/2151/COD21511.EPH_M.Z: No such file or directory

I hope it can be useful for your developement!