goaaats / Dalamud.CharacterSync

Dalamud Plugin that synchronizes your character data to one main character.
12 stars 13 forks source link

Didn't save sync? #13

Open RangePup opened 2 years ago

RangePup commented 2 years ago

I logged into my alt to do the easter event, and found all my hotbars are set to Pre-Endwalker hotbars (because I haven't touched my alt aside from other events in 6.0, after I had started using the plugin) I didn't expect my hotbars to be the same without the plugin, but I at least expected them to be the same as what they had been set to in 6.0. I don't know if there's a way to force it to save them correctly, or if there is and I just missed a config setting somewhere, but that'd be a nice thing to have.

Dajova commented 2 years ago


Werns commented 2 years ago

To add some clarity aside from just a link to a PR that fixes the plugin (yet hasn't actually fixed it):

This plugin doesn't change the contents of the configuration for each character that you log in as. It changes which character's configuration to use when logging in on an alt. In other words: if your main character is set to "Character A" and you log in as "Character B", it uses the config files for "Character A" instead of "Character B". This is why your alts have outdated huds, etc.