goaaats / Dalamud.CharacterSync

Dalamud Plugin that synchronizes your character data to one main character.
12 stars 13 forks source link

Custom config rollback #9

Open vkyfox opened 2 years ago

vkyfox commented 2 years ago

I am opening this issue more in a 'should you be interested' than a 'please resolve my issue' intention; but here's what happened to me.

I've been using Character Sync and XIVLauncher ever since after it had been whitelisted at the beginning of Endwalker for synchronization over to my alt, with no issue to speak of until today. Now it might be important to note that I installed xivAlexander yesterday, I have no idea if it is a decisive factor in this issue, but it is the only notable difference I can think of from my usual day-to-day use. The day of the install, however, nothing noticeable happened, it's only after a reboot that the issue happened.

After boot, I logged in to my alt, rather than my main, and all configs (hud position, keybinds, button attribution...) was rolled back to a very old config. My guess would be the last config I had before I started syncing it with my main character, so right at the beginning of Endwalker, but I wouldn't be able to date it with any certainty. A little afraid of what was going to happen, I logged out of my alt before making any change, and logged back into my main character; and the config was the exact same as the outdated alt one, so not the right one.

Having no saves to speak of, I'm currently re-doing everything in hope the issue won't happen again, but I will keep you posted if it does.