When kustomize calls a KRM function, the input includes a set of
annotations. Many of these should be passed through to the resulting
generated object, but ’config.kubernetes.io/local-configmust be stripped or the resulting object will be considered "local" and not rendered as output to kustomize. Likewise, leaving the generator configuration inconfig.kubernetes.io/function` is not needed and may
be problematic if passed on to further generators.
When kustomize calls a KRM function, the input includes a set of annotations. Many of these should be passed through to the resulting generated object, but ’config.kubernetes.io/local-config
must be stripped or the resulting object will be considered "local" and not rendered as output to kustomize. Likewise, leaving the generator configuration in
config.kubernetes.io/function` is not needed and may be problematic if passed on to further generators.Fixes #36
Signed-off-by: Jim Ramsay i.am@jimramsay.com