goat1000 / TagCanvas

HTML5 canvas-based tag cloud
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wheelZoom false don't work #2

Closed andreas-stricker closed 9 years ago

andreas-stricker commented 10 years ago

Hello, i've set wheelZoom to false but i can't prevent zooming with mousewheel.

here is the function:

if( ! $('#tagCloudCanvas').tagcanvas({ textColour : null, outlineThickness : 1, maxSpeed : 0.03, depth : 0.6, zoom : 1.0, reverse : true, outlineMethod : 'none', shuffleTags : true, maxSpeed : 0.05, decel : 0.99, initial : [0.08,-0.03], textHeight : 26, outlineThickness : 2, outlineOffset: 3, wheelZoom : false })) { // TagCanvas failed to load $('#tagCloudContainer').hide(); }

goat1000 commented 10 years ago

I've pasted all the options you have shown into a test page, and the zooming is disabled correctly. Is it possible you have some other code on the page or in a script file overriding it?

andreas-stricker commented 10 years ago

no error on the page. could you send me the link to your test site? so i can check if the wheelZoom is disabled also in my browser

goat1000 commented 10 years ago

I don't have a link to the actual file I created because I tried it out on a local file, but this page uses it: TagCanvas 2.3