goatcorp / FFXIVQuickLauncher

Custom launcher for FFXIV
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.71k stars 325 forks source link

Error while applying GameFix #1102

Closed hendy643 closed 1 day ago

hendy643 commented 1 year ago

Update disclaimer

What did you do?

Install game using the Cross-Platofrm launcher.

Run as normal.

happens on Manjaro Linux using the AUR version, and on Ubuntu 22.04.1 using the flatpak version.

Manually downloaded and applied the fixes, it still tries to apply the fixes.


Linux (native)

Wine/Proton runner version


Relevant log output

[11:49:47 INF] [HOOKS] DalamudLauncher::HoldForUpdate(gp:/home/<USERNAME>/.xlcore/ffxiv)
[11:49:47 VRB] Running in prefix: /home/<USERNAME>/.xlcore/compatibilitytool/beta/wine-xiv-staging-fsync-git-7.7.r14.gd7507fbe/bin/wine64 cmd /c dir %userprofile%/Documents > nul
[11:49:59 ERR] Couldn't ensure compatibility tool
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).)
 ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found).
   at System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode()
   at XIVLauncher.Common.Util.HttpClientDownloadWithProgress.DownloadFileFromHttpResponseMessage(HttpResponseMessage response) in C:/goatsoft/xl/XIVLauncher.Common/Util/HttpClientWithProgress.cs:line 36
   at XIVLauncher.Common.Util.HttpClientDownloadWithProgress.Download(Nullable`1 timeout) in C:/goatsoft/xl/XIVLauncher.Common/Util/HttpClientWithProgress.cs:line 31
   at XIVLauncher.Common.Unix.Compatibility.GameFixes.Implementations.MacVideoFix.Apply() in C:/goatsoft/xl/XIVLauncher.Common.Unix/Compatibility/GameFixes/Implementations/MacVideoFix.cs:line 37
   at XIVLauncher.Common.Unix.Compatibility.GameFixes.GameFixApply.Run() in C:/goatsoft/xl/XIVLauncher.Common.Unix/Compatibility/GameFixes/GameFixApply.cs:line 30
   at XIVLauncher.Core.Components.MainPage.MainPage.<>c__DisplayClass21_0.<<StartGameAndAddon>b__1>d.MoveNext() in C:/goatsoft/xl/XIVLauncher.Core/Components/MainPage/MainPage.cs:line 726
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
[11:49:59 ERR] StartGameAndError resulted in an exception.
System.Exception: Could not obtain Process Handle
   at XIVLauncher.Core.Components.MainPage.MainPage.TryProcessLoginResult(LoginResult loginResult, Boolean isSteam, LoginAction action) in C:/goatsoft/xl/XIVLauncher.Core/Components/MainPage/MainPage.cs:line 392
[11:49:59 ERR] Task failed
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Could not obtain Process Handle)
 ---> System.Exception: Could not obtain Process Handle
   at XIVLauncher.Core.Components.MainPage.MainPage.TryProcessLoginResult(LoginResult loginResult, Boolean isSteam, LoginAction action) in C:/goatsoft/xl/XIVLauncher.Core/Components/MainPage/MainPage.cs:line 392
   at XIVLauncher.Core.Components.MainPage.MainPage.Login(String username, String password, Boolean isOtp, Boolean isSteam, Boolean doingAutoLogin, LoginAction action) in C:/goatsoft/xl/XIVLauncher.Core/Components/MainPage/MainPage.cs:line 195
   at XIVLauncher.Core.Components.MainPage.MainPage.<>c__DisplayClass17_0.<<ProcessLogin>b__0>d.MoveNext() in C:/goatsoft/xl/XIVLauncher.Core/Components/MainPage/MainPage.cs:line 138
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
NotNite commented 1 year ago

I believe this URL is now outdated - we have a workaround pinned in our Discord server (sorry for making you join it - https://goat.place/). Keeping this open to track a fix.

srhb commented 1 year ago

I can't find any pinned messages with a workaround -- any chance of a copy/paste? :)

NotNite commented 1 year ago

Sure: ahem

Note: Terminal commands assume default paths and settings. Please adjust accordingly.

  1. Go to where your FFXIV install is and then enter the game/movie/ffxiv folder.
    cd ~/.xlcore/ffxiv/game/movie/ffxiv
  2. Download https://mac-dl.ffxiv.com/cw/finalfantasyxiv-1.0.8.zip
    curl https://mac-dl.ffxiv.com/cw/finalfantasyxiv-1.0.8.zip -o finalfantasyxiv-1.0.8.zip
  3. Extract the 4 bk2 files from finalfantasyxiv-1.0.8.zip/FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE.app/Contents/SharedSupport/finalfantasyxiv/support/published_Final_Fantasy/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/SquareEnix/FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn/game/movie/ffxiv using your choice of unzip utilities
    unzip -j finalfantasyxiv-1.0.8.zip  "FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE.app/Contents/SharedSupport/finalfantasyxiv/support/published_Final_Fantasy/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/SquareEnix/FINAL
    FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn/game/movie/ffxiv/*.bk2"
  4. Place these files into <ffxiv gamepath>/game/movie/ffxiv/. There should be a bink video video file for each wmv-encoded dat file.
    mv *.bk2 ffxivgamepath/game/movies/ffxiv/
  5. Make a blank file called .fixed in the <ffxiv gamepath>/game/movie/ffxiv/ folder. (Only needed for xlcore and earlier)
    touch .fixed
  6. Cleanup anything you don't need
    rm finalfantasyxiv-1.0.8.zip
srhb commented 1 year ago

@NotNite Works like a charm, thank you. I had gotten the .bk2 files but missed the .fixed marker.