[X] Yes, I have checked and my issue is not related to FFXIV updating and plugins not working correctly.
What did you do?
installed launcher from Lutris, all ok. Launched and fresh Garuda install and error'd when trying to download game files:
An error in XIVLauncher occured: Path not found
Linux (Wine/Proton)
Wine/Proton runner version
lutris 7.1
Relevant log output
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Path not found
at XIVLauncher.Common.Util.GetDiskFreeSpace(DirectoryInfo info) in D:\a\FFXIVQuickLauncher\FFXIVQuickLauncher\src\XIVLauncher.Common\Util.cs:line 142
at XIVLauncher.Common.Game.Patch.PatchManager.<PatchAsync>d__36.MoveNext() in D:\a\FFXIVQuickLauncher\FFXIVQuickLauncher\src\XIVLauncher.Common\Game\Patch\PatchManager.cs:line 115
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at XIVLauncher.Windows.ViewModel.MainWindowViewModel.<TryHandlePatchAsync>d__34.MoveNext() in D:\a\FFXIVQuickLauncher\FFXIVQuickLauncher\src\XIVLauncher\Windows\ViewModel\MainWindowViewModel.cs:line 1124
Git Hash: 6.2.20-0-g1080756
Context: HandlePatchAsync
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
64bit? True
DX11? True
Addons Enabled? True
Auto Login Enabled? False
Language: English
LauncherLanguage: English
Game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn
Update disclaimer
What did you do?
installed launcher from Lutris, all ok. Launched and fresh Garuda install and error'd when trying to download game files:
An error in XIVLauncher occured: Path not found
Linux (Wine/Proton)
Wine/Proton runner version
lutris 7.1
Relevant log output