goatcorp / XIVLauncher.Core

Cross-platform version of XIVLauncher, optimized for Steam Deck
GNU General Public License v3.0
84 stars 35 forks source link

Upgrade XIVLauncher.Core to net8 #141

Open Blooym opened 1 month ago

Maia-Everett commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, please! .NET 6 has been removed from Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, which is releasing this week. I've already had to patch the csproj for building against .NET 8 for the PPA.

KazWolfe commented 3 weeks ago

Would this affect users on Ubuntu 20.04? While 22.04 and newer seem to have .NET 8 in their repos, 20.04 is still supported for another year and does not (although MS' documentation states that you'd need to add their apt repo anyways, so possibly a moot point).

Maia-Everett commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, Ubuntu 22.04 and later all have .NET 8 in the official repository, and earlier Ubuntu versions, including 20.04, don't have any version of .NET in the official repository and will have to add the Microsoft repository, which includes .NET 8.
