goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Custom BGMs based on Dalamud sound system (not the in-game sound engine) #1004

Open rlsdOST opened 1 year ago

rlsdOST commented 1 year ago

Plugin Description

A plugin that can play custom music that does not depend on the ogg/scd format SE is using, but produced by the Dalamud sound system.

Concept is easy as : Choose Name of the in-game BGM in a list ---> Replace with "Mp3 path". No conversion or anything to do on the side.

More info

A plugin that can check BGM state and song IDs in-game, and based on those data, mute the game music and could just launch/stop/swap mp3s/wav/or whatever with the dalamud sound system, triggered by the song name/ID (like the system used for chat alerts, who can produce sound by itself based on triggers). To have a way more user friendly way to have custom music without having to fiddle with the very specific ogg/scd that take a lot of efforts for little results. It could have a smooth way to transition between songs like the in-game engine do, same thing for music stopping. Fade in/Fade out based.

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