goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Legacy mode while holding right click #1018

Open Gileril opened 5 months ago

Gileril commented 5 months ago

Plugin Description

My most desired plugin would be one that changes your movement settings to legacy type if you are mouse steering by holding right click (with movement reverting to standard type when right click is not being held). This would allow you to have the free camera movement while your character is in motion of standard, while having the precision combat movement of legacy on demand whenever you start mouse steering.

More info

The movement and functionality of standard and legacy are virtually identical while right click is being held down, except for the fact that targeted gcds with standard can cause your character to flip around, and possibly die because of it. Getting "standard'ed" is an extremely common way for non-legacy players to die in high end content during uptime mechanics that have more precise movement (e.g. bridges on p10s, caloric on p12s, etc). An easy way to tell the difference is to try using a gcd on a target dummy while moving and looking away from the dummy with each movement type.

There is an existing plugin, called "Hybrid Camera" by Drahsid, that comes very close to the desired functionality. In the plugin settings you can add keybinds that enable legacy mode while you are holding them down- however, you are unable to add mouse buttons, such as right click, as keybinds for this. On further investigation, in the discussions of the plugin, the creator expressed difficulty with integrating the function with mouse buttons.

Barring that, any other approach that naturally solves being "standard'ed" would be highly desirable for a lot of players that are used to standard camera controls, but don't want to grief in raids while mouse steering (where the functionality is otherwise identical to legacy anyways).

Thanks for all your hard work!

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