goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Heatmap overlay for item value in inventory #1021

Open Noaburr opened 4 months ago

Noaburr commented 4 months ago

Plugin Description

Look up and snapshot marketplace value (alternatively integrate with existing price-checking plugins) for items in your character's inventory, then assign an overlay color (a gradient from green for most expensive to red for least expensive), or text value to that item.

Minimum values could be set for highlighting only items over a certain gil value, overlaying the stack price as text rather than a solid color, showing the overlay only in specific situations (while retainer interface is open, while toggled, while modifier key is held, etc.).

When stack size no longer matches (e.g. snapshot at 40 items and 1 was used/gathered), or has expired (e.g. a configurable time has elapse since last price check) remove the overlay or otherwise indicate that it's out of date. Alternatively price could be recalculated and overlayed without a price lookup on stack size changed, though I'd imagine this increases complexity.

The main use case would be for quickly figuring out which stacks of items are valuable enough to be worth selling over vendoring, desynthing or trashing.

More info

Similar plugins that could be referenced or integrated but don't provide the same functionality:

Item Icons: item overlays Price Insight: looks up and caches prices

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