goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Levequest helper/ tracker #1025

Open CasheerMkII opened 1 month ago

CasheerMkII commented 1 month ago

Plugin Description

Concepts for the Ultimate tool of Levequesting. I am aware there's other posts like this, this is just to put it into one bag. I would love it to:

1) track the number of leves you've done and how many you need 2) track unique leve and show you which NPCs/areas don't have any unique use 3) (if possible) show you if a leve that you don't have came up on a NPC 4) show the type of leve before accepting it (to more easily avoid escort quests) 5) notify you when you reach an allowance threshold 6) show items for each levequest you hover over (in case of trade ones) and vice versa (showing you what levequest it's for in the tooltip), with a left click sending you to the crafting log and right click copying the item name for MB 7) mark the area for escort mission NPC's range of beckon effectiveness and whether it's moving 8) show you the location of chests and/or the high value target on the map

More info

I know this is a lot, so I'll get straight to the point:

1) I've seen other trackers do this with things they don't have access to (lockboxes example), I am aware that you cannot get the data from the achievement list live, but you could could sync it when people open it up for the first time

2) I don't know to what extend you can get the information from the game without having to check every NPC manually, but the same logic from 1. should apply here as well, even if there's some manual entry needed first. Also if you open the menu of a NPC it would be cool to have the name of completed ones be a different color or have a checkmark next to it c:

3) it would be nice to get a notification when logging in that a leve from an NPC that you don't own pops up, as all NPCs can only give you 4 at a time, but again don't know if that is possible.

4) this is a thing of tidium and either adding symbols next to the leves (but try putting securing areas into a single symbol lol) or text, in the Levequest menu in the top right corner it shows a card which indicates what type of leve it is, just having that be put into words would be nice :>

5) would be nice to be able to set a custom amount of leves to set to like 42 which is roughly a week.

6) the tooltip desc could be something like: "(Levequest logo)>(area)>(NPC name)>(Leve name if needed)" and then show the text in green or red if the leve is actually available or not (if possible)

7) This is legit the reason I though about a Levequest plugin in the first place, everyone knows and hates escort leves, but they need to be done for completion. So my idea was to place down a marker at location the NPC is heading towards and a ring around it, showing how far the range for beckon is. On top of that a window or some sort of indicator to signalize that the NPC stopped moving (it doesn't follow the beckon command otherwise)

8) placing a hunt mark or coffer mark on the map to show the location of chests would be cool, maybe with it's own tracker tracking what loot you got? (least priority)

hope this is not gonna be too complicated ><'

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