goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Main Story / Job / Duty / Side Quest Tracker #1026

Open SkepticSpoon opened 3 months ago

SkepticSpoon commented 3 months ago

Plugin Description

A plugin that tracks which quests are already done, are available to do, and will become available in the future pending certain requirements

More info

Something like this spreadsheet, with quests categorized by type and questline: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1d5ojws/ffxiv_msq_side_quest_tracker_655_update_download/

But that automatically updates the character progress, and also has additional info on each quest (location, requirements, etc). Also would be nice to have some way to see at a glance which questlines you've completed, are completing and have not started

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