goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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NPC replacement for target dummies (clientside). #1042

Open ghost opened 1 month ago

ghost commented 1 month ago

I formally request this issue to be deleted or discarded.

Plugin Description

The plugin would allow you to replace target dummy models by a specific NPC.

More info

Add a contextual menu to the target dummy with the following:

Once the HP of the target dummy reaches zero, the NPC would play it's fainting animation and stay in that state for a few seconds and then reset to the selected pose. If this is impossible, this feature could simply be omitted.

Examples of NPCs:



Original Requestor

No response

Request Terms

Shiichibukai commented 1 month ago

grafik Adding some context, since said requester "doesnt see an issue".

drakon64 commented 1 month ago

Not everyone who hates the character or the voice acting is a [insert] phobe. If your only response to criticism is "you just hate them for xyz minority reason". Then you need to take off your rose-tinted glasses and understand that people are allowed to criticize something they think is subpar. Not everything is a personal attack.

I’m really not sure what you thought you were achieving by adding this…

ghost commented 1 month ago

I formally request this issue to be deleted or discarded.