goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Cardinal directions added to enemy targeting ring #1043

Open SerialZX opened 1 month ago

SerialZX commented 1 month ago

Plugin Description

When targeting an enemy, display the direction of the cardinal directions (north, east, south, west) on the targeting ring. This will make it instantly clear on which side of an enemy you're standing, without having to rely on looking at the minimap to determine your position.

More info

I've been trying out the monodimensional compass from the Compass plugin, but as those directions are based on your own character, rather than on an enemy's, it can get confusing when trying to determine on which side of an enemy you're standing. With having the compass centered on a targeted enemy, this confusion is eliminated.

It'd look sort of like this, with the positions shifting depending on which way the enemy is facing, of course. (forgive my horrible Paint skills)


Original Requestor

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Request Terms

Nyemira commented 1 month ago

If this is possible, that'd be insanely convenient. Even more so if there's an option to add inter cardinals too

reiichi001 commented 1 month ago

This is not the place to share binaries or custom plugin repositories. (Rules aside, you shouldn't be mixing your source code and binaries either. That's a mess. Your plugin manifest also doesn't match the assembly name and also a github repository is not a plugin repository. That's not how that works.)

If this is something you want to submit to the main plugin repository, https://github.com/goatcorp/DalamudPluginsD17, you will want to fix up your project's files, make a proper .gitignore and then prepare it for submission/review.

herulume commented 1 month ago

I find the idea useful. I've seen your PR on Chase's repo. If they don't want to add this to the main plugin repository, I don't mind doing it (with proper credit for the original code) and maintaining it. There is no rush on my end, of course.