goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Graphical overlay like WoW WeakAuras #30

Open karashiiro opened 3 years ago

karashiiro commented 3 years ago


Graphical overlay like WoW WeakAuras.

JustZerooo commented 1 year ago

Weakauras is a powerfull multifunctional addon in World of Warcraft that allows you more then just display an Icon or move a healthbar. It is an Addon that is powerfull. it allows you to display some informations etc. Interface Grouping, Dependencies etc.

1 Example: Player cast Spell XYZ and Spell has Cooldown, you can make an Icon of it and make this animated and place inside a cooldown timer when spell is ready etc.

What is WeakAuras? -> https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/weakauras-2 Can i get a demo? -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olj2cgb8mlU

My own words cannot explain it like the youtube video. So please check it out. It will be great if we could do this project as community. Free 4 all if time allows to work on it.

Also a push here since 2021 no replies.