goatcorp / suggestions

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Interrupt quick gathering #487

Open Limiana opened 3 years ago

Limiana commented 3 years ago


Ability to interrupt quick gathering

More info

I'd guess quick gathering implemented client side. If so, it would be nice to add an ability to interrupt it. Research needed to see if it's possible and if so if it's possible without making invalid requests to server. As always, any info about it welcomed, not only whole plugin implementation.

RisariL commented 3 years ago


lmcintyre commented 3 years ago

This probably would not be a main repo thing, if it was possible. Quick gathering seems to be uninterruptible for a gameplay reason.

Limiana commented 3 years ago

Worth investigating, imo. If quick gathering is implemented client side (aka client just sends gather attempts to server until there is no more) it could easily be on main repo. If however quick gathering produces different data for server than manually repeatedly clicking item close it to the seven hells.

lmcintyre commented 3 years ago

It wouldn't be disallowed based on valid/invalid requests to server, it would be disallowed based on an unintended gameplay advantage or behavior. Not that I'm gospel, but we usually don't circumvent purposeful gameplay restrictions, client-side or not.

Limiana commented 3 years ago

It can't be that it's restricted on purpose. Either SE forgot to add cancel button or just didn't wanted to bother putting effort into it or it really is implemented very differently from normal gathering (which I doubt). And every plugin so far provides an unintended gameplay advantage, no plugin has been made yet to provide a disadvantage or do nothing.