goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Override Music #551

Open kalilistic opened 3 years ago

kalilistic commented 3 years ago


This idea has definitely been suggested before, but I think a plugin that overrides the music in certain areas and plays a different song ID would be pretty awesome. If the client can view the current music ID (Which, based on portable orchestrion listing the sound ID of the default song that's playing where you're at, should be feasible)

So for instance, when you're in Ul'dah during the day: Music ID 44 normally plays, which is the Ul'dah day theme If you wanted to, say, replace it with the San d'Oria theme from FF11 (ID:335,) the plugin could see that it's playing Music ID 44 and automatically switch to music ID 335 whenever ID 44 is playing.

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kalilistic commented 3 years ago

Perch has committed to finishing this asap.

laillearda commented 2 years ago

Is there no progress with this plugin?

AncientAzem commented 2 years ago

Isn't this functionality actually in the Orchestration plugin now? It doesn't working inside of housing but I have mine setup to replace the FC workshop music with something that doesn't drive me insane (it's neir music for me now) 😅

ryankhart commented 2 years ago

If you wanted to, say, replace it with the San d'Oria theme from FF11 (ID:335,) the plugin could see that it's playing Music ID 44 and automatically switch to music ID 335 whenever ID 44 is playing.

This functionality is already implemented in this hard fork of Orchestrion Plugin. https://github.com/lmcintyre/OrchestrionPlugin