goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Equip Strider Boots/Hermes' Shoes with sprint #57

Open karashiiro opened 3 years ago

karashiiro commented 3 years ago


A plugin that would only be active within city-states and would equip Strider Boots/Hermes' Shoes upon pressing sprint... before activating sprint, then re-equipping your regular equipped shoes.

More info

See https://discordapp.com/channels/581875019861328007/685275026156683280/743488474283376660 for more information.

Original requester: cutestfox!#1959

karashiiro commented 3 years ago

This sounds like something we wouldn't allow? It's equip automation.

karashiiro commented 3 years ago

Or rather, one action is doing two things.