goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Match day/night/weather with real-life conditions #590

Open kalilistic opened 2 years ago

kalilistic commented 2 years ago


Two flavors: just updating the compass icon or the actual weather.

More info


Limiana commented 2 years ago

I do want to hear suggestions on how one supposed to match weather with real-life conditions

ackwell commented 2 years ago

Plenty of weather APIs that expose that sort of info. That's how all those "smart"watch, weather apps, etc work. Largest hurdle on this would be building the mapping to in-game weather conditions but that honestly shouldn't be that difficult.

Limiana commented 2 years ago

mark it as in progress not sure if it'll make in main repo but will see about it later when api4 stuff settles down

Limiana commented 2 years ago

small update btw: will be doing that after 6.0 patch only due to lack of time now

karashiiro commented 2 years ago

Any updates?

Limiana commented 2 years ago


awaiting PR to be reviewed


well that's for after review