goatcorp / suggestions

Plugin suggestions for Dalamud
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Add "Enable clickthrough" setting for hotbars #593

Open gamer4eg opened 2 years ago

gamer4eg commented 2 years ago

I immediately apologize for the fact that the text was generated by a google translator.

Idea 1: block the interaction of the selected hotbars with the mouse pointer. Idea2: Displaying the cooldown of skills through the plugin interface. (Again, with blocking mouse pointer interaction)

PS Yes, there is a similar plugin, but it has been abandoned for 4 months and it sorts cooldowns by time. And also there is no visual display of the remaining time (as on the skillbars of the game). And I would like the cooldowns to be displayed in specific places. And with normal animation. (So that they can be clearly seen with peripheral vision) Link to this plugin: https://github.com/Caraxi/RemindMe

reiichi001 commented 2 years ago

RemindMe isn't abandoned.

gamer4eg commented 2 years ago

image I hope so...

reiichi001 commented 2 years ago

What gives you the impression that a working and supported plugin has been abandoned by one of the more active plugin developers? Most plugins haven't needed updates for months because they were stable. It will surely be ported to Dalamud 6 / API 4 as well.

gamer4eg commented 2 years ago

Blurring of the font. It hurts my eyes... There is no cooldown animation similar to the base game interface. Errors in the timers of some abilities (with an issue raised on this issue) I am not in any way judging the creator of this absolutely useful plugin. (I use it myself) But...

I created this issue because - is it possible to block the interaction of the skillbar with the mouse much easier?

gamer4eg commented 2 years ago

image The display of the cooldown in the game panel is much more descriptive in my opinion. image